Chapter 4

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My family and I were sitting on the second row in the top box, my father and Uncle Drew discussing laws and politics with the Bulgaria minister before the game began. I honestly have no idea what they are talking about specifically because they were speaking Bulgarian, and my Bulgarian is limited to a few greetings, and a few curse words, and that's it. My Uncle Will was sitting with the Bulgarian coach, wherever he is sitting I guess. Meanwhile the British Prime Minister, Fudge I believe, was pretending that I wasn't seated three seats down from him after greeting my father and uncle politely. Prissy little prick of a man, a coward too from the smell of him.

He didn't even try to introduce himself to me or my mother, and she's a normal witch. The vampire bite didn't do anything to her except leave her with a nasty scar, but he still ignored her. I could see the dislike of him in both my uncles and father's eyes. Apparently he isn't found of 'half-breeds' but allowed me in because of the importance my family has. If he wants to be so technical about the whole situation, I'm not a half-breed. I'm a pureblood that just happens to be a 'half-vamp.' No one in the family was pleased with the way he acted towards me but we didn't say anything. After all strained relations between our governments would not end well at all.

I was getting antsy for the game to start when I noticed a group of people come in and sit at the front of the box on the other side. Mostly with red hair, except for a girl with brown and a guy with black, but most of them looked like school age. I wonder if they go to Hogwarts. I notice that the guys are all entranced by the veela mascots, and have to hold back a laugh as the one with black stands as if he is about to jump off the stands. The veela are always entertaining to watch when there are guys around, mostly because guys act like complete idiots.

Once the game started I cheered for Bulgaria, but I knew the odds weren't good. The Ireland chasers were simply too good, almost as good as their seeker was bad to be honest. The score was already 10 to 170 Bulgaria and I knew that Ireland had already won it. I watched as Viktor got hit in the face with a bludger and flinch slightly when I know it broke his nose. He doesn't stop though as he fights with Lynch for the snitch. At least it wouldn't be too bad a loss if he catches it now. Yep there he goes, he caught it. Poor Viktor, great catch but sad loss.

I force myself to watch the Irish do their victory lap around the stadium, and almost have to cover my ears. Sensitive hearing is being a pain right now. The only good thing is that it wasn't a moon night for me, so I'm not thirsty which is good. Otherwise my parents may not have been so keen to come. I can't help but wince slightly as the cheers seem to amplify around the stadium. I can only imagine how hard the Irish are going to be partying tonight. From the looks of the stands, the party is going to start as soon as everyone gets out of the stadium.

I really do hate that Viktor and his team lost though. Vik is a great friend, and has spent several holidays and summers with our family when he wasn't training for Quidditch. He did the right thing though, there was no way that they would be able to catch up with that big a gap in the points. The Irish chasers were simply too good this game. A ten point loss right now looks better than a potential 300 point loss. Everyone stands as the two teams come up into the box and are announced.

Viktor is only a few feet away from us and I catch his eye and his lips twitch up a bit before he stares back out towards the stands with a solemn look on his face. I smile knowing he wouldn't want to look happy after losing but is still happy to see me here. I'm happy to see him as well, as one of the only friends I have left, he is currently one of two people now that has told me I'm not a monster. Not to mention he's a sweet guy, even if he is kind of an idiot at times. Right now though he does look pretty bad off, with blood running down his face and two black eyes. His blood has always smelled like fur, but in a good way. I just wish he would have let the healers look at him after he landed, it looks painful.

I look at his hand and see that he's still holding the snitch in his fist. I smile a bit more but I wait until after they have finished calling the names of the teams and give Ireland the cup before going next to him. The lights have been turned away from the box and people are leaving the stands or watching Ireland fly another few victory laps around the stadium. I go up to him just as he puts the snitch in his pocket and give him a hug. He pulls away slightly and gives me a real smile, brushing some of my hair that fell out of my pony tail out of my face.

"I vas hoping I vould see you soon, vut I had no idea you vould ve here tonight Kat. The vlood does not vother you now vight?"

"You should have known I wouldn't have missed you playing for the Cup Vik, I just hate y'all couldn't win. Honestly, your chasers need some more practice, and no the blood doesn't bother me right now. Though a healer should probably look at your nose, it's definitely broken."

"Yah, ve know that now and yah it is vroken. Vut tell me, did you vet into Ogwarts?"

"Yes, I'm starting there this year. So I'll see you later this year I suppose?"

"I knew you vould get in and you know you vill Kat. I vould not miss it. I vetter go though, ve ave a long journey ome."

"If you must. I'll miss you, be safe until I see you. Bye Vik."

"I'll miss you too, and I vill ve. Vye Kat."

I give him one last hug and he even hugs my mother before he exits the stands with the rest of his teammates waiting on him. I notice my mother smiling and looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I sigh and shake my head at her. She thinks that Vik and I like each other but we certainly don't, at least not in that way. I turn back around just as I hear Ludo Bagman excuse himself from the stands, no doubt upset about giving out money he lost in bets. Think he'd be more responsible as a ministry worker, I mean honestly.

As soon as I turn though I see who won their money and then some, and it's two of the people from the red hair group. Twin boys, that look around my age if not older. I look to see if they can be told apart from some feature but I can't see anything that's different for either one of them. They both have red hair, frayed looking clothing, freckles, brown eyes, and even the same mischievous smile. I try to get a smell on them, which is definitely not easy with this many people but I think I pick up on theirs.

They both smell like cinnamon, but one has underlying smell of apple and the other smells of coconut. Weird, but oddly refreshing and calming. I realize now that they've been staring at me since Vik hugged me and left. All I can seem to do is stare back, even when I'm caught staring by both of them. I was debating introducing myself to them just as my dad says it's time we get back to the Leaky Cauldron for the night. I listen as they say goodbye to the Bulgarian Prime Minister and to Fudge, though their goodbyes to the Bulgarian Minister were definitely warmer sounding than to Fudge.

My parents and uncles have an early departure scheduled for tomorrow and I have to finish buying everything for school, I still lack a few books and maybe a cat if I decide to actually get one. I blush some as the twins keep staring at me. Finally one looks away but the one that smells like cinnamon and coconut keeps staring even after his twin has stopped and has hit him on the arm. I finally break eye contact and leave the stands with my parents and head towards the woods before grabbing my father's arm to disapparate back to Diagon Alley.

I won't be celebrating tonight, after all my second favorite team lost. Rather I'll be thinking of the cute ginger boy with the soft brown eyes and freckles covering his nose. The one that smelled of cinnamon and coconut. Maybe I should have waited until everyone was at Hogwarts to see which house they were sorted into, and just ask for that one. Somehow it seems unlikely that I'll get lucky and have been sorted into the same house as them. Not to mention be lucky enough that we're both in our sixth year. I just don't have that sort of luck.

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