Chapter 13

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I hear the door open and I tune in my hearing and realize that George and I are the only ones in here right now. I keep kissing him as we lie back on the floor and he lies gently on top of me. He doesn't try anything, he just keeps kissing me. I pull away after a few minutes and stare into his eyes. I can't help but smile when I see him smiling.

His smile, like Fred's, always looks like he's doing something he shouldn't be. But unlike Fred's, his smile makes my heart feel like it's about to explode. I can't help the tiny yawn that escapes my mouth and I realize that the blood pops are wearing out and fast. He laughs a bit and before I realize it, he's lifted me off the floor and has carried me over to his bed.

He lays me down on it and cuddles up next to me before pulling the comforter over us. I smile in the now dark room as I turn and snuggle into his chest. I know I'm going to look like death warmed over tomorrow when I wake up and it might worry him, but I just want to stay here with him right now. I feel him start to play with my hair as I drift to sleep. The last thing I hear him say as I drift off was 'I love you, I really do.' My dreams are filled with him and his smile as I breathe in his scent. This might be the best night of sleep before a full moon that I've ever had.

George's POV:

"So, I'm guessing she's staying here?"

"Yeah, we can't carry her upstairs to the girls dorms and if we move her it might wake her up."

"Alright, but if McGonagall finds out it's on your head alone mate."

"I know, now shut it Fred before you wake her and Lee up."

I see his smirk even in the dark but he shuts up, which is good. I keep playing with her hair as I listen to her breathe. Ginny was right though, every once and a while I'll hear her whisper my name and it makes me feel like I could fight off a dragon. I smile again as I realize I'm holding the girl I love and that loves me as I go to sleep. I don't really know how we love each other already. It's only been two months and we haven't even said that we're together, after tonight we probably will be, but I just know that she's perfect for me.

She laughs at my jokes, and has even suggested a few new joke ideas for the shop Fred and I want to open. Including cookies that would turn a person's lips a different color after they eat it and could change color again after kissing someone else who's eaten a cookie. So red lips and yellow lips would turn orange, green and blue would turn purple. She's just so smart, funny, bloody gorgeous, creative, and a great friend to everyone she meets. There isn't a single Gryffindor that she doesn't at least know the name of.

Sure she might be a werewolf, but everyone has some flaws and if that's her only one I'll take it no problem. We could figure it out, I know we could. No matter what we'll make it work, I know we will. I look back down at her and make sure she's still asleep before I kiss her on the cheek and begin to fall asleep as well.


I wake up with a slight jump and realize that even sleeping in George's arms didn't keep the nightmares away. I conjure the few tears in my eyes into a vial as quickly as I can before he wakes up. I turn towards him and see how peaceful and adorable he looks in his sleep. His mouth is open slightly as he snores, and his hair is all over the place. I smile a bit before I start thinking back to the dreams that woke me up. They're always the same really. Me killing my friends and the people I love. I've grown used to it I'm sad to say, but it was worse when the last person I killed in the dream was George. That's the one that woke me up.

I sigh a little knowing that if I'm going to make it through our date today and not pass out I need to go see Madam Pomfrey before everyone else gets up. I sit up slowly on the bed and have to steady myself as I attempt to stand. I thought I had it as I let go but I was sadly mistaken as my legs fell out from under me and I collapsed onto the floor. I expected George to sit up and see me on the floor after all that racket but it's Fred that does so instead.

I solemnly swear (George Weasley- Love Story Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now