Chapter 23

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As soon as I was out of sight from Hagrid I made my way to a small clearing he told me about. As good a place as any to leave my stuff while I hunt, better than just leaving it randomly on the ground like I did the first time. I cast the fire spell and then put my wand back in a holder on my waist just in case. Though not much could harm me when I'm vamped out as long as I'm paying attention, well except myself that is.

I feel my muscles relax as I let the vamp part out. My muscles feel like they're full of springs as I stand in the center of the clearing. I open my eyes as I hear something moving towards my left, it's definitely a rabbit about 50 yards away, oh wait three rabbits. I spring forward into the woods after them.

The rabbits were a sadly good find in the woods. I say sad because they were very pretty rabbits and I ended up draining all of them. I couldn't help it, normally I only take a little but I'm so thirsty tonight I couldn't help but take all of it. I return to the clearing, leaving the rabbits by a tree and wiping the blood on my mouth off with my glove before I focus my senses on picking up other prey. Then I smell him, George. There's no way it's a lingering smell on my clothes for me to smell it this strongly, which means his here.

"not possible"

I focus my hearing and smell and look towards the tree where I left my cloak. I hear his heartbeat, that musical happy heartbeat, change rhythms slightly as I look over there. What is he doing out here? How did my revealing spell not show him earlier? My options right now are limited. Pretend he's not there or tell him to come out so I can explain now. I guess option two would be the better one, and the one to end less painfully in the long run.

"I-I know you're there George. I can.....I can smell you."

His heartbeat speeds up again but there isn't any movement for a few seconds. Finally I see him appear as he throws a cloak on top of mine at the base of the tree. I look at his face and it's scarily calm right now. I take a step towards him, around the fire, and he immediately takes a step back. I don't go any closer to him, what's the point. He's just as scared as anyone has ever been of me when they find out.

I hear his pulse and see his blood moving through his veins but I manage to ignore it. I know my lip is shaking as I start craving his blood more and more. I will not give in, I will not scare him anymore than I already have. I hear a crack a few yards away from us. I look towards it and in the dark I see another pair of rabbits. I look back at George, and see that he's staring at me. I can't read his eyes right now though. I only know that if I'm going to be able to explain everything to him, I have to hunt some more.

"Stay there please? I can explain, I just have to take care of something first."

I don't wait to see his response, instead I sprint into the forest out of sight and quickly drain my fifth rabbit of the night. I bring them back and put them by the first ones, maybe Hagrid will have some use for them like last time. I see George is sitting on the ground near the fire, where I left him. I sit down in front of him, but on the opposite side of the clearing closer to the forest. I start twisting his ring around on my finger as I wait.

He doesn't say anything though, he just keeps staring at me with that same scarily calm look on his face. I almost wonder if screaming would have been better than this deafening silence. I'm keeping my ears open for more rabbits or really anything at this point as I start to talk to him. He has to say something eventually.

"George, say something. Please, anything. Scream, yell, just say something."

"What are you?"

"I'm....I'm a half-vamp."

I solemnly swear (George Weasley- Love Story Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now