Chapter 25

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After the last few days of the holidays, and nothing being said from Malfoy I was starting to think that maybe Minister Fudge was a decent enough man to not say anything about it. Then the first day of classes started back I saw just how wrong I was. Not only did Fudge apparently tell Malfoy, which resulted in Draco knowing, but Draco somehow told that wretched Rita Skeeter. I was woken up by an owl tapping on the dorm window, with a copy of the daily prophet along with an attached note on its foot.

I look over and see everyone else still sleeping as I get up and let the owl in. The owl drops the paper and note on the bed and quickly flies back out the window. I pick up the note first and I feel my blood freeze as I read it.

Thought you might like an early copy, since today may be your last day at
Hogwarts. No need to thank me for the press release, it was father's idea
after all.
       -Draco Malfoy

I grab the paper and open it to the page that's folded down. I start reading the first article, all about Hagrid and being a half-giant and how dangerous it is for him to work at Hogwarts. It looks like some of the Slytherins even gave a few private interviews for this article. I keep reading and then I see the second article right underneath the article about Hagrid.

In big bold letters "BLOOD DRINKING MONSTER AT HOGWARTS: IS YOUR CHILD SAFE?" I read the article and realize they didn't release my name but they might have well have because she said I was an American transfer student, which leaves me or Scar. I feel myself sit back onto the bed as I read about how unsafe I am.

How dangerous I am to the students, how Dumbledore was a fool to allow me to come, what I am in her eye's anyway which is a vampire, how my being here at the same time as Harry's name being put in the cup should be under suspicion, and the final statement of the article reading "She's a monster and a danger to your children while at Hogwarts, she should be removed."

I don't move from the side of the bed as the others start waking up. I see Scar look at me and walk over before reading the note and then taking the paper out of my hand. I hear her gasp slightly as she reads it and feel her sit next to me. I feel her wrap her arm around me and hug me as I stay frozen. I hear her start whispering in my ear and I force myself to listen to what she's saying.

"Come on and get dressed. Classes today, and you need to see George right now."

I feel myself nod after I hear his name and start getting ready. I numbly wave bye as Hermione and Ginny head down to the Great Hall. I walk down with Scar, bringing the paper and the note with me. I see George and Fred laughing in the common room, probably waiting for us. I walk over and they look at my face and stop laughing.

I run into George's arms as Scar explains what happened and gives him the paper. He and Fred both read it and while Fred looks surprised for a moment, it's soon replaced with sympathy followed by anger. George on the other hand is angry, angrier than I think I've ever seen him.

"So you're a vampire?" (F)

"No, she's a half-vamp." (Scar)

"Oh. Well who cares what that woman writes, we all know how she lies. I know how much you love George and he loves you. I know you're not dangerous, and you're not a monster Kat." (F)

I don't say anything back but I can't help but feel a little bit better as he takes me out of George's arm and hugs me. I smile a bit as he lets go and George takes me back into his arms and kisses me on top of the head before bringing my face up to his and looking into my eyes.

"It's going to be ok. I promise, our friends will stand by us."

"I hope you're right, because by the end of the day everyone will know. And it won't take a genius for them to figure out which one of us is the vampire, especially with Malfoy telling everyone he can I'm sure." (K)

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