Chapter 8

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We fought off as many of the Looters as we could, while my uncles and the rest of the guards took out the rest. We weren't supposed to be anywhere near the fighting, but we were running late from animagus practice. So we got caught up in the fighting. The Looters were the followers of a dark witch who had taken on the name Zeldalia. No one knew her real name, but she was attempting to gather a following similar to that of Voldemort's in England a few year ago. She wasn't nearly as powerful though and relied heavily on her 'Looters' as they were called.

Tonight they were trying to attack my family's house. Many of my uncles, cousins, and even my father all had important positions in our government. The government Zeldalia wanted to overthrow for some reason. I think she just wanted to cause chaos by watching our government crumble. Scar and I were coming back to my house after practice and were literally caught in the crossfire. We started fighting back and our side was easily winning. I counted at least six Looters that were already taken down and in custody.

I was firing a stunning spell when I saw Scar get hit with stone from a blasting spell. Before she had time to move she was hit with a stunning spell. I watched her fall before I took out the Looter. He was only a few years older than we were, most likely promised treasure and power if he was successful tonight. Instead he'll get time in Arkham Prison, poor idiot. The rest of the Looters started to flee out of the courtyard as I kneeled next to Scar to wake her up so we could take care of the cut she got from the blasting spell.

I feel my fangs come out through my gums as the blood from her cuts ran all over the floor. I know my eyes are probably silver right now with this much blood tempting me. I also know it might scare her at first, but I'm in control right now and I'd been planning on telling her for weeks now. I'm not thirsty right now, and even if I do crave it, I can control it.

I shout the reviving spell at her and watch as she slowly comes to. I sigh in relief but then I hear her scream. I jump up ready to attack the person that must be charging toward us then I realize it's just us. I bend down towards her again as she puts pressure on the cut on her arm but she flinches away from me.

"What are you?!?"

"I'm....I'm a half-vamp. But Scar it's still me."

"NO! Get away from me! You aren't, you aren't natural! You're nothing but a monster!"

"Scar please don't...don't say that. We're friends. I'm still me, please."

"You're a monster! Stay away from me."

As she gets up from the floor and runs off, I feel myself crumple to the ground. My best friend in the wizarding world thinks I'm a monster. Scar, who could never say a cruel thing about anyone or anything just told me I'm a monster. Maybe I am? Maybe she's right.

I hear shouts and footsteps running towards me and I see my uncle's faces in front of me through the tears, but the tears just won't stop. She said I'm a monster. Her words keep echoing in my mind as they take me home and tend to the wounds that I suffered at the hands of the attackers, and I can't help but wonder if they agree with her. Am I a monster?

{End of Flashback}

I'm pulled out of my flashback by Fred and George both asking if I'm okay. I force myself to nod as Dumbledore finishes his speech, and even talks of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The twins yell about not being to enter unless you're 17, and I can't help but grin at their expression. 'That's rubbish' being the main one used it seems.

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