Chapter 19

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Scar and I dump our shopping bags onto our beds and have never been happier to be back in our room. The walk back from Hogsmeade with all this stuff was almost impossible but I'm glad that George wasn't there to help carry it back. Otherwise he might of seen his gift, not to mention my dress for the ball. Both he and Fred are getting a bag full of Zonko's supplies. But he is also getting a brown barn owl, which is currently in a cage hooting angrily at me. Probably for shaking him up too much on the way up here.

No idea how I'm going to hide this little guy up here for the next four days but I'll figure it out. Scar got Donovan some type of wand holster made out of dragon hide. Girl's lost her mind as far as price goes for that one. That's all I'm saying. The trio, Neville, Ginny, and our new friend Luna are each getting a box full of Honeyduke's sweets. Scar, though she doesn't know it, is getting a new pair of boots that she wanted but decided to wait on. If I'm being honest most everyone I know fairly well in Gryffindor is getting some candy. I've always been more about giving gifts than receiving.

I also sent some Honeyduke's sweets home to the cousins, aunts, and uncles. My mom and dad are getting some as well, along with a few pictures of me and my friends. I haven't told them about George though, not ready for that lecture yet. Scar and I managed to get everything wrapped, well except George's owl for obvious reasons.

We smile at each as other as we head back down to the Great Hall for dinner and see that the twins are still missing. That usually means one of two things. They're up to no good, or something to do as a surprise. I don't know which makes more nervous if we're being honest. We sit down at our table just as Hermione sits down across from us smiling.

"Hello Katherine, Scarlet."

"Hey Hermione. Ready for the dance with your date?"

"He told you?!?"

"Well yeah. We're best friends. We haven't told anyone else though, don't worry. He's really excited you said yes though."

I watch as she blushes some as she looks down at her plate and smiles. Scar and I smile as well knowing that they should have a great time together. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around not recognizing the scent of whoever just tapped me. I turn to find myself facing Lucius Malfoy's son. My father and uncle were not fond of how close the Minister was to him at the Cup game. They think that being that open to non-Ministry people can lead to trouble and I agree.

"Katherine and Scarlet I believe?"

"Yes, though I only know your last name. Malfoy."

"I'm Draco."

He smirks some as he hold his hand out for me and Scar to shake. Scar does so, though I can tell she doesn't like him much. I shake his hand and his smirk seems to grow some. I notice two other boys standing behind him, looking as if they have the same IQ as a troll. Though that might be an insult to the troll from the look of things.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of speaking with you tonight Draco."

"Well, this is Crabbe and Goyle. They don't have dates to the ball yet and we figured since you two were Americans you wouldn't either. Fancy going with them?"

"You must be joking." (Scar)

I can't help the giggle that leaves my lips as his smirk disappears and his face reddens some. He turns to glare at Scar and then me, now laughing at his face before he opens his mouth to speak again.

"Don't tell me two mudbloods like you have dates?"

"Did he just call us what I think he did Scar?"

"Yes, it seems he did."

"If you must know Malfoy, Scarlet is going with a Durmstrang student and I am going with my boyfriend. Now do us a favor and run along with your trolls. I would hate to have to fetch Professor Moody to break up a fight that you are heading for right now."

Scar and I burst out laughing as his face turns bright red, but he leaves the Great Hall with his goons in tow which is what we wanted in the first place. Unfortunately for him, everyone heard about Moody's way of breaking up a fight, turning the student into a ferret. We turn back and see Hermione and Ginny laughing as well. I'm sure that we may regret that later, but it was certainly worth it.

"That was the best thing I've ever seen!" (Ginny)

"What's the best thing you've ever seen?" (F&G)

"Kat burning Malfoy after he tried to get her and Scar to go the ball with Crabbe and Goyle." (H)

"That stupid git did what?!?" (G)

"Georgie, don't worry. I handled it."

"She sure did, it was great." (Ginny)

I reach up and kiss him on the cheek before turning back to the food and I feel him pull me closer into his chest and I can't help but laugh a little. After dinner we all head back up to the common room. The next morning the holidays officially begin with the twins pulling one prank after another, Scar and I working on Herbology homework with some much appreciated help from Neville, and as many games of Wizard's chess and exploding snap we can take.

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