Me and Harry were the first ones awake. The bus was still driving us to our first destination.
"Harry, when is your first show?" I asked as I threw my hair into a high ponytail.
"TONIGHT!" Harry shouted excitedly.
"Shhhh.... you'll wake the others" I said, trying to calm him down.
Me and Harry sat at the table for breakfast.
"Alright" Niall said as he came and sat at the table with us.
"Morning Niall, sleep well?" I asked while i drank my orange juice.
"Sure did" He said with a smile on his face.
"LADS LADS LADS.....SHOW TONIGHT!" Louis said excitedly, while Liam was giving him a piggyback.
"WOOOO" Harry and Niall said at the same time while they both jumped up.
"You lot are crazy" I said while sat eating my breakfast.
* * * *
We finally arrived at the first stadium. There were fans already here and it was only 10am. The doors don't open until 6pm.
"Boys look, fans are waiting already" I said as i looked out the bus window.
Me and the boys huddled by the window, staring out at the fans. There must have been about a hundred or even more.
"This is crazy" Louis said as the bus stopped.
"Right lads, you can wave to the girls but you can't go over to the bars due to health and safety reasons" Preston said as he opened the bus doors.
One by one, we all got out the bus and got our bags. We all went into the arena.
I walked in with Lux,Lou and Lottie while the boys waved to the fans.
We all got in the arena. Me, Lux, Lou, Lottie and Niall went onto the stage and had a look around.
"Is there any popcorn?" Niall asked one of the arena staff.
We all started to mess around on the stage. Me and Lux started to run up and down the aisles.
The popcorn lady soon came and gave us all popcorn.
"Sorry guys the boys need to do a practice on the stage" Preston said as he walked on stage with the rest of the boys.
"Bye" I said before me, Lottie, Lux and Lou went backstage to the boys dressing room.
* * * *
Its been a few hours and the boys go on stage in an hour.
"Good luck boys" I said as they all got their hair done by Lottie and Lou.
"Are you going to watch?" Niall asked.
"What do you mean watch? im staying backstage" I said as i had Lux on my lap.
"No, come out and watch us perform" Niall said.
"Am i even allowed?" I asked, looking up to Paul and Preston.
"Sure" Paul said.
"You can stay with me, im watching them too" Lottie said while styling Louis hair.
"Great, okay" I said, excited.
"Can i come mummy?" Lux asked.
"Sure, we will all go" Lou said, styling Nialls hair.
An hour pasted and it was time for the boys to go on stage.
Me, Lottie, Lou and Lux headed to the stage and got some seats at the side, in the VIP area.
*screaming girls*
"Hi welcome to the One Direction concert, we are so excited to perform for you all. Show one lets do this" Harry said as they all walked on stage, side by side.
"America you are looking beautiful" Niall shouted out to the crowd.
"We have a few friends in the audience tonight, friends where are you?" Liam said, trying to look for us.
Me, Lottie, Lou and Lux waved and the boys all waved back.
After the boys all done their speeches they got on with the show and started the performances.
* * * *
The boys show finished and we all walked out of the stadium to the tour bus.
The fans were still here, they were all still screaming.
We all ran onto the bus so we could just go without any problems.
"Well done boys, im so proud of you all" I said as we all sat on the sofa.
"Thanks babe" Liam said.
"Have you ever been to a concert before?" Louis asked me.
"No, never. Niall busking on the streets when we were little doesn't really count" I laughed.
"Wow, so we were your first concert?" Harry said, shocked.
"Yep" I admitted.
"Lets be honest though, i was a great busker" Niall joked.
"Yes Niall, yes you were, until you started to sing Justin Bieber" I laughed.
"Leave the Biebs alone, he's great" Niall stated while the rest of the boys laughed.
"Right lads, im off to bed, night all" Louis said as he got up and went to the bunks.
"Night Lou" I said be fore he left.
"I'm off to bed now too" Liam said as he went.
It was just me, Harry and Niall left.
"Ill leave you two to it" Harry said as he got up and went into another room.
I moved closer to Niall and we laid back cuddling.
"Niall, thank you for having me on your tour, you were amazing tonight" I said as i laid my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for coming" He said as he rested his head on my head.
"So you and Harry?" He asked.
"What about us?" I replied.
"Are you two together?" He asked.
"No, well i don't think so, im not sure" I admitted.
"I'm so glad i have you as my best friend, even after all the crap you have been through, your alive and your here with me, making new memories" Niall said as he held me tight.
"I'm glad im alive too, thank you for being there for me" I said as i kissed his cheek.
Me and Niall both went to our own bunks and i soon fell asleep to the movement of the bus.
Good thing i don't have travel sickness.
I can't believe i went to my first concert, it was amazing!

The Unexpected Love
FanfictionLeah is a normal 20 year old, she goes to work everyday, she has friends and has family, but there is one secret she holds. Her and Niall Horan from the worlds biggest boy-band One Direction are best friends. How will the fans cope when they get clo...