It was 10:52am.
"Niall wake up, were going to be late" I said as i rushed out of bed and threw on some clothes.
"Huh? what's going on?" Niall asked, half asleep.
"Were going to miss the scan" I said worried as i put on a baggy jumper.
"Wait...did you stay over last night?" Niall asked as he got out of bed.
"Yeah, i might of..... accidentally....fallen asleep but anyway, hurry up and get your ass out of bed" I forced Niall out of bed.
We both rushed out the door and got into Niall's car. He started the car up and drove to the hospital. We listened to some music as we drove but i was so anxious to even listen to it. I could feel my heart beating.
* * * *
We had been sitting in the waiting room now for 10 minutes. There were so many pregnant women here. Some looked like they could pop any minute, where as some only had little bumps. Niall had his sunglasses on so no one would recognize him.
"Leah Taylor" A midwife shouted my name off a list. Me and Niall both stood up. He took my hand and we walked into the room together. I sat on the bed and the midwife closed the door.
"You are here for the first scan, correct?" The midwife asked.
"Yes" I replied, nervously.
"Okay, if you could just lay down and lift your top up we will get started" She said as she got the monitor ready.
I took a few breaths in and out before leaning back and lifting up my top. Niall sat next to me, he held my hand. He gave me a little wink and smiled.
"Now this will be cold so be warned" The midwife said as she put some jelly on my stomach. It was freezing. She put the probe onto my belly and started to move it around, trying to find the baby. I didn't look at the screen, i didn't want to. As for Niall, his eyes couldn't keep away.
"Ahh, here we go. Here is your baby, the heartbeat sounds and looks normal and its very active, all is well. I would say you are about 2 months so 12 weeks altogether" the midwife said as the monitor started to play the baby's heartbeat.
"Lea, look at it, its amazing" Niall said with a smile. He held my hand tighter and tighter. He looked a bit teary, his eyes were fixed on the screen.
I took a deep breath and looked over at the monitor.
"Wow...that's my baby" i mumbled to myself. I saw the baby moving, it was kicking and waving. My face dropped, tears started to fall uncontrollably. I didn't want this to be true. What do i do now? do i even want a baby? i have to think long and hard about this. I watch the baby move around and although i don't know what to yet, i just can't take my eyes off the screen. A small smile breaks as i watch the baby kicking. I could feel it.
* * * *
The scan had finished and we had just pulled up outside Niall's house. I was still in shock and to make matters worse, there were fans outside. We had no security with us so Niall got out the car first and told the fans to go.
"Look that girl is in the car with him? is she cheating on Harry with Niall?" A fan shouted.
"Girls go home, she is my mate, she loves Harry not me" Niall tried to defend me.
I got out the car and made a run for Niall's front door while the fans shouted shit at me. Niall followed in after me and we both sat on his sofa.
"What are you going to do?" Niall asked as he looked at the baby scan photo.
"I don't want a baby yet Niall and neither does Harry, you know that" I said as i took the photo off him and had a look.
"What do you mean? what are you going to do?" Niall asked, worried. He didn't understand.
"Niall, i don't want this baby" I admitted.
"You can't just get rid of it, that's not fair" Niall started to get angry.
"Niall the baby isn't fully formed, its not a baby yet." I argued back.
"What the fuck Leah, this is a baby, look at the photo....see, arms, legs, a nose" Niall shouted as he shoved the picture in my face.
*Ring, Ring, Ring* my phone started to ring. It was Harry.
"Hiya babe" I tried to sound Happy.
"Your 10 minutes away from my house? okay" I answered.
"Yeah the door is open come straight in, im upstairs" I lied. Me and Harry both hung up and then had to go. I put the scan photo in my bag.
"Where are you going?" Niall got up to stop me. "Were not finished here" Niall added.
"Yes we are Niall, Harry is 10 minutes away from my house, i have to think. After what happened last time im not sure i can go through with this" I argued.
"Harry deserves to know! You wanted that baby, you know you did" Niall stated.
"Yes he does, but not yet, promise me you wont tell him, that was in the past, things change Niall" I made Niall promise not to tell Harry. Niall nodded his head and then i left.
* * * *
I got home just in time. Harry turned up 5 minutes after me.
"Hey beautiful" Harry said as he kissed my cheek.
"Hi handsome" I replied, trying to be happy.
"Whats wrong?" He asked, worried. He climbed into bed with me and we cuddled.
"Nothing, i just don't feel well" I said as i rested my head on his chest.
"I love you" Harry said.
"I love you too" I replied, before we both fell asleep.

The Unexpected Love
Fiksi PenggemarLeah is a normal 20 year old, she goes to work everyday, she has friends and has family, but there is one secret she holds. Her and Niall Horan from the worlds biggest boy-band One Direction are best friends. How will the fans cope when they get clo...