A little time to think things over

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Cara walks to the sun flooding in the crack in the curtain, she wakes to a sensation of feeling sick. She rolls over and feels Raf lying against her.

She nudges him and he stirs a little, "we've slept in!" she panics.

"It's okay relax" he smiles.

"It's not okay" she panics before dashing to the toilet as the naseua feeling overwhelms her.

Joe lies there and smiles as he hears her being sick, she knows it isn't going to get any better.

She comes back in looking rather pale and drinks a glass of water.

She lies back down and cuddles into Raf. "Is this rascal doing your head in?" he laughs as he reats his hand on her bump. She nods and rests her hand I top on of Raf's, "oh dear" he smiles.

"I reckon it's a boy" Cara smiles.

"Really? I'd like a girl" he smiles.

"Well either would be nice" Cara smiles. "Raf we are late" she says as she bolts upright again.

"Relax, relax, relax" he laughs as he kisses her check.

"Lunch time we are seeing my mum" she panics as she freezes.

Raf starts to get dressed and smiles happily at her "oh it'll be fine" he smiles.

"I'm so nervous Raf, you don't know what they are like" she says.

"I'm sure it will be fine" he says.

"By the way are we okay after our little arguement?" she asks.

Raf cuddles her and kisses her head, "it's fine" he smiles.

"But are we okay? You promise me?" she asks. Raf nods as Cara does her makeup, "have you seen that loose fitting top of mine? You know the one that comes with a under top" Cara says.

"I washed it for you it's downstairs" he says.

Cara smiles as she applies her mascara and smiles, "what would I do without you ay?" Cara giggles.

"You seemed exhausted so I did the washing for you" he smiles as he kisses her cheek. Cara laughs and strokes his cheek, "I love you" he smiles.

"I love you too" she smiles.

Once ready Raf drives them both to work. Cara sits playing with her hands the whole car journey and fidgiting.

They pull up and Raf turns the engine off and rests his hand on her knee. "It'll be fine" he smiles.

"No it won't... You've never met them... They're going to kill me" she says.

"I've got a wee sister too" she blurts out.

"What age is she? Name?" he asks.

"She's ten, her name is Lucy" Cara says.

"10? I wad expecting you to say like 20 something!" he says.

"Yeah everyone says that" Cara says.

"Won't she be pleased for you?" he asks.

"Hardly... She hardly knows me" Cara says.

"Why's that?" he asks as they walk into work.

"Just always been away from home, I went to a grammar school near my granny's so I lived there and then I went to uni" Cara says.

"Ah righty" Raf says.

"I haven't really seen much of here since she was 7 when I came back home" she explains.

"Surely she'll still remember you?" Raf asks.

"I worked a lot and spent a lot of time at my ex's house" Cara explains.

"Ah right, what happened with you and your ex? If you don't mind me asking?" he says as they go to the locker room.

Cara pulls off her stop and grabs a scrub top, "we split up" Cara says.

"How come?" he asks.

"Differences, I wanted to settle down and have kids and obviously get married and he wasn't into that" she says.

"Oh dear, I see" he says.

Raf smiles at her as she changes her top, "oh and if you must know I did have sex with him, first ever time was with him" she says as she pulls her scrubs bottoms on.

"Not something I like to remember" she says.

"Oh how come?" he laughs.

"Mum found out and went mad" she replies.

"Oh, I see" he says.

"She's a firm believer in no sex before marriage... And well I was just curious and well it all went off from there" Cara explains.  "But best by far was with you" she smiles.

"Good to hear that" he smiles.

"And this is why I'm nervous about seeing my mum... I'm pregnant and not married, there is no way she'll accept this baby" Cara sighs.

"Stop thinking about it" he smiles as he grabs his stethoscope.

Cara thinks to herself for a moment "Raf... I've got an idea" she says.

"What?" he laughs as they head out onto the ward.

"Pretend to be my husband" she says.

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