Wanted - Hunter Hayes

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Mr. Blackbourne: Family Meeting, 5 pm @ Mr. Griffin's.

I finished fixing the platter of sandwiches for my boys and took it out to set it on the coffee table. I fussed a bit with the napkins and small plates that I'd set out for them. North wouldn't be too happy about the plate of cookies but I figured that he'd be overjoyed about the fruit salad so, he didn't have to eat one. I looked up as a swirl of citrus and ginger mixed with spring soap blew into the room ahead of Mr. Blackbourne and Sean. "Hi." I smiled.

"Pookie!" Sean greeted me enthusiastically, coming over and giving me a big hug, lifting me off of the ground in his exuberance. I laughed softly, kissing his cheek as he set me down.

"Miss Sorenson."

I tilted my head slightly. "Mr. Blackbourne." I greeted him, slipping over to his side and stretching up on my tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. The gesture earned me a slight tilt upward of his lips and a faint tinge of pink coloring his cheeks. "You two are early." I said.

"Better early than last." Sean said, studying the table.

"I suppose." I said. "Grab your plates. You know there will be much elbowing in a few minutes when they all get here." I advised. "Can I get you something to drink? I made a pot of coffee or there's ice tea, sodas..." I headed into the kitchen after hearing what they would like, returning as Victor came into the room, followed by Gabriel, North, Luke and Silas. I handed off the bottle of water to Sean and the cup of coffee to Mr. Blackbourne before I accepted greeting hugs and provided kisses on the cheeks to all my boys. Kota and Nathan arrived just as the others were getting food.

I went last and grabbed some food before wiggling myself into a spot between North and Silas on the couch.

Silas chuckled and took my plate from me. "Get settled, Aggele Mou." He said, waiting for me to stop moving before he gave me the plate back.

Mr. Blackbourne and Sean lead off the meeting, going over the upcoming assignments for the week and letting them each talk about how things were going at home. I was toying with my napkin by the end of the time and looked up when Silas nudged me. I met Mr. Blackbourne's eyes without flinching.

"Miss Sorenson. Is there anything that you want to discuss?" He asked, voice softening and the glint of steel in his eyes faded to silver as I watched him.

I sat on my hands to fight off the urge to press a finger to my lower lip. "No, not really. Like Nathan said, things are okay here at the house." I hedged.

"But...?" Sean was watching me closely and I flushed a faint shade of pink at his question.

"There's nothing wrong." I hastened to clarify as all of them were now looking at me with concern that something was wrong. "Honest. I just... I mean..." I frowned slightly, a bit unnerved by the direct attention and not at all sure about how to bring up what I was thinking. "I guess I just wanted to go on the record and say that I'm really glad to be part of the team and part of the family. I just don't know about myself sometimes. I feel so out of my element." I gained a bit of confidence and plowed on ahead. "I honestly think that I would have fallen apart the first week of school without you all."

There was a slight murmur among them but I didn't stop for any comments.

"There's a lot about my past and my other family that doesn't make sense. It's a big mystery and I might be the biggest mystery of all." I said. "But, I just want you to know that none of that matters when I'm with all of you. I don't have to think about it, we just make sense."

You know I'd fall apart without you

I don't know how you do what you do

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