Girl Crush (SB) - Little Big Town

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Corey rubbed his hands on his pant legs as he paused in the program he was coding, his attention caught by the sight of Kayli picking on Raven.


Like anyone ever really picked on Raven. He pondered the thought for a moment and wondered why he felt his heart racing as he stared at them, hoping his look was blank enough that neither of them would pick up on how conflicted he was when it came to the two of them.

I got a girl crush

Hate to admit it but

I got a heart rush

Ain't slowing down

I got it real bad

Want everything she has

That smile and that midnight laugh

She's giving you now

Corey had been blissfully happy all his life that he wasn't interested in girls the way his twin was. He wasn't interested in girls the way most of the guys they grew up with were and he certainly wasn't interested in them the way his other teammates were.

He knew that Brandon was telling everyone he was gay and until they'd picked up Kayli to join them, well, he was pretty sure that he was.

One look at Raven most of the time left him tongue tied and fighting the blush he could feel building up inside him. He looked up again in time to see Raven pull Kayli closer and tilt her chin up before he kissed her.

He'd kissed her himself but he wasn't sure he was that good at it. There was a spark but he probably backed away too soon and he hadn't really had an opportunity to be alone with her again. He briefly wondered what it was that Raven saw in her and why he couldn't be enough for him.

I want to taste her lips

Yeah, 'cause they taste like you

I want to drown myself

In a bottle of her perfume

I want her long brown hair

I want her magic touch

Yeah, 'cause maybe then

You'd want me just as much

He'd never been so conflicted about a girl before.

Guys, sure.

But Corey was absolutely conflicted about Kayli and watching her interact with Raven. He could only think about the way he'd observed her kissing the rest of the guys and compare it to the way she'd kissed him earlier but watching her with Raven, was the one time he was filled with rage and jealousy.

Not about her kissing Raven but about the fact that Raven kissed her.

Instead of him.

I got a girl crush

I got a girl crush

It was driving him crazy at night.

He rolled over again, staring at the wall.

But that only meant that he was drawn into his calculations and definitely couldn't sleep now. He sat up, pushed his hands through his hair, making it stand up on end before he reached for the piece of chalk and started to scribble out the new calculations for the app he was working on.

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