Songs For Sang: A miniseries in 11 Parts ~Part 6~

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"Did you meet the neighbors yet?" Gabe asked Kota, lounging on the bed and flipping through a magazine.

"Sure." Kota shrugged.


"And what?" Kota gave him a glance.

"Are they nice?"

"I've only met one of them, but yeah, she's cool."

Gabe's eyes flickered. "Tell me more." He demanded.

Kota laughed and pulled out his phone, dialing Nathan. If he was going to get Sang over here, he might as well make sure she was meeting more than just one person. He was slightly disappointed to find out that Nathan had already met Sang but they were both coming over so it would be okay. "Hang on, Gabriel. I won't tell you about her, I'll let you meet her. She's on her way over with Nathan."

"No way. Why do I have to meet her last?" Gabe whined.

"You're not last." Kota rolled his eyes. "She's only met Victor and Silas before today."

"Close enough to being fuckin' last." He grumbled.

Kota shook his head. "Half." He stated. "You're exactly in the middle of meeting her. And you're always complaining about being last at stuff because you're the youngest, but I swear, she hasn't met Luke, North, Sean or Mr. B yet."

Gabriel scowled but shrugged. "All right." He said as they heard the back door open and the sound of feet coming up the stairs filled up the silence of the room.

"Hey." Nathan grinned before stepping aside and letting a tiny blonde step into the room.

"Hi Kota." She said.

"Hey Sang." Kota grinned. "This is Gabriel." He jerked a thumb at him, and her eyes slid sideways to study him, a resigned look on her face.

Gabriel practically scrambled off the bed, one hand straightening his hair as he stared at her. "I want to love you, Pretty young Thing. You need some lovin', Tender lovin' care and I'll take you there." The lyrics flowed out of his mouth in a song meant just for her.

She was beautifully bewitching.

He clamped a hand over his mouth as her eyes widened at the song. "I mean, hi." He said, feeling a rush of color flood his face.

"Hi." She gave Nathan and Kota a dirty look at how they snickered. "Michael Jackson's an interesting choice." She said.

Gabriel shrugged. "I guess. There wasn't any controlling it." He mumbled.

Her lips tilted up at the corners and she laughed. God, that laugh was like bells, Gabriel thought. "Thank you for reminding me. This was less stuck in a Disney movie than my other meetings have been." She said in amusement.

"Uh, you're welcome." Gabriel said, not realizing he'd managed to get right up in her personal space. "God, your hair is gorgeous. I mean, you're absolutely beautiful but your hair. What colors do you use to dye it. Wait, please don't tell me you dye it..."

Her eyes widened and she stared at him. "No, no it's not dyed." She shook her head. "Did you hit your head or something?" she asked, ducking back away from him and taking a step back from his hand that was reaching out towards her hair.

He snatched his hand back. "No! Sorry... I mean, seriously. Your hair is fucking gorgeous. Please, please don't ever let anyone else touch it. I want to play with it. Oh, please let me do your hair!! Please?"

Sang wasn't alarmed by his language and after the last two days, she was starting to get used to the idea that these boys wanted to invade her personal space as if she was Snow White and they were forest animals, drawn in by her song and willing to do her housework. But he was seriously touched in the head if he thought her and her hair were beautiful and gorgeous. "Why?" she asked, puzzled. "I'm nothing special."

He reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight. "No, no. None of that insecure girly shit is allowed. You want compliments, you fucking straight up own the room and ask for them. Don't be playing games and winding us up to fawn over you."

"I don't know what you mean." She blinked at him. "I'm serious. My entire life, I've been told I'm nothing and certainly there's nothing special about me. So, don't play games with me. That wouldn't be nice." She glanced at Kota and Nathan. "I can't do this if I'm just a game to all of you."

"You're not a game." Kota said. "I told you, we want to be your friend."

"You're new." Nathan said. "Are you saying you don't think you could use some friends to start out around here?" She shook her head.

"Just go with it." Gabriel encouraged.

"I thought you were going to be a girl." She admitted, ducking her head as her cheeks flamed pink. "I guess I misunderstood the pronunciation of your name." She glanced up at him.

Gabriel grinned at her. "Well, I'm probably the only one who will be willing to do hair and make up and shop with you. OH, we have to go shopping soon." He practically begged. "Please?"

"We'll see." She finally said. She studied him for a long, silent look. "Okay."

"Okay, what?"

"Let's get you working magic on my hair." She gave him a shy smile.

"Fuck yeah!" He shouted before dragging her off into the bathroom.

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