Songs for Sang: a miniseries in 11 parts ~Part 10~

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“You don’t have to knock, this is your office now, too.”

Sang glanced around the office as she followed Sean in. “I know.” He said, cheerfully, squeezing her arm gently. “I just don’t want to interrupt, you know. I’m not used to sharing the space.” She peeked around him, getting a glimpse of the man behind the other desk.

She wasn’t quite sure he wasn’t as grumpy as North.

He looked a little uptight.

But then he looked up and she caught her breath because this man looked like a dream come true. If you liked guys in suits, ties and glasses that is.

She flashed him a small smile before ducking back behind Sean. “Oh, don’t be shy, Sang.” Sean said, moving quickly so that he was behind her, leaving her to face the last of their team.

“I’m not…” she shook her head, watching as Mr. Blackbourne rose and stalked over to her. She held her breath, wondering about what his song would be.

He looked confused as a song poured from his lips as he stared down at her. “Now, I know, I have met an angel in person, and she looks perfect. I don’t deserve this. You look perfect tonight.” His eyes widened behind his glasses and he blinked.

“That was lovely, Owen.” Sean said. “Owen Blackbourne, I’d like you to meet Sang Sorenson.” He said. “You know… the one we’ve all been talking about. I mean, singing to.”

Sang peered at him. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Blackbourne.” She said, offering her hand.

“Likewise.” He recovered enough to shake the offered hand. “Now why is she here, Sean?” He asked, not letting go of her hand.

“Oh, just a little registration magic needed.” Sean waved a hand, snagging Sang’s paper out of her hand. “And she needed a rescue from McCoy.”

Owen’s features darkened. “Great.” He muttered.

“Why would he try to send me home to change?” Sang blurted. “I mean, I literally only need my schedule… as unhappy with it as I am… to be entered into the computer and have someone sign off on it.”

“Hmm.” Owen mused. “That’s not relevant at all to the registration process.” He let his eyes sweep her form. “You look fine. I’ve seen what some of the girls are wearing today and this is rather modest by comparison.” He said, his eyes meeting hers.

“Thank you.” Her eyes glinted with amusement as he was still holding her hand.

Owen glanced at their linked hands and the corners of his lips tilted upward, ever so slightly. “Why are you unhappy about your schedule?” he asked, drawing her over to the chair next to his desk.

She’d had to catch a breath. It was certainly not a full smile but goodness! A millimeter smile from Mr. Blackbourne could make you sway back as if hit, she thought. “I wanted more AP courses.”

Sean frowned and read off her schedule. “Anything else?” he asked.

“I would have taken Japanese but they said it’s only for upper classmen. I mean, why offer it if you can’t get into it?” she asked. “I understand it’s the first year for the course. Wouldn’t it make sense to let the sophomores take it too, so they could maybe take three years of the language?”

“That would be brilliant.” Sean nodded. “How does this sound?” He read off a new course schedule.

“Don’t interfere…” Owen warned him.

“We’re here for the kids like her. The ones that desperately want to learn.” Sean protested.

“It’s fine.” I smiled at both of them. “Really, that would be amazing. Thank you for putting me in the Japanese class.”

Sean smiled. “My pleasure.” He said. “I should go make sure that there aren’t any other incidents with McCoy.” He said, bringing the paper back over to her. “It was lovely meeting you, Miss Sang.” He said. “I will see you for sure in class if not before.”

“Nice meeting you too.” Sang said, watching as his eyes lit up with amusement at the fact her hand was still held fast by Mr. Blackbourne.

He colored slightly, releasing her hand quickly at the look in Sean’s eyes. “Right. Yes, go patrol the halls again.” He agreed. “And remember, you don’t have to knock when you return.”

Sang watched Sean leave the small office. “So, I get that you all are friends. But I did get the feeling several times during the time I’ve spent with the boys that there’s something more to it.” She said, swinging her gaze back over to him.

“Will you be patient with us?” he asked, gray eyes intense behind the glasses. “I feel confident in telling you that the entire group will share information with you… it’s just not the right place or time for us to talk about it right now.”

“I can do that.” She nodded. “I really need to have that conversation soon because my life has taken quite a Disney princess turn.” She smiled.

His lips quirked up again. “I can only imagine. You’ll have to fill me in on your previous serenades.”

“It will be an interesting conversation.” She nodded. “I should probably go find my dad.” She looked over the schedule.

“Could I see that for a moment?” he asked. “Did you want any more classes? You wouldn’t have to have the study hall.” He said, after studying it. “The lunch period you have…” he shook his head.


“I’d prefer it if you were at lunch with the boys.” He admitted.

“Then what can we do?”

“Would you rather learn piano or violin?” he asked, reaching for his keyboard and typing swiftly.

“Violin but I can’t get one so if there won’t be one available, I’d probably better say piano.” She said.

“A wise choice.” Mr. Blackbourne nodded. “Pianos are available in the music room. But don’t worry about it. We’ll try both.” He said, hitting the enter key and printing out a new copy for her. He handed her the paper. “I’ll see you in the music room on your first day of classes.”

Sang’s eyes widened. “Sure.” She smiled, accepting the paper. “Thank you for your help.” She said. “I’ll see you around.” She got up and headed out the door, stealing a look back at him as the phrase of the song he’d sung to her, ran through her head.

Hmm… Perfect? Yes, yes he was.


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