Priceless - For King & Country

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10 Years Ago....

I looked in the mirror, biting my lip slightly as I critically gazed at my reflection. I trusted Meanie.

I swear I did.


He insisted that the skirt and tailored blouse would be best for a day like today. I wrinkled my nose at how pale I looked in it. I reached for the mauve sweater and pulled it over my head. It wasn't freezing the way it was at night but I still needed an extra layer. I tilted my head slightly.

Gray wool skirt and a white button down shirt. I sighed.

All I needed was a jacket like theirs and a tie and I'd fit right in. Academy girl at her finest. I was actually tempted about the tie. Swap my mauve sweater for the gray cashmere pull over that appeared in my things when I reluctantly moved back into my old bedroom for a while.

Thinking about the sweater and the giver of said sweater brought a faint smile to my lips and I was ready to grab it. If not to wear it then to snuggle with it on the way to school. Because it smelt like spring soap.

And I was nervous today and all I thought about all night long was how he'd held me in the woods as I cried my eyes out all over him. And of course it was our first day back after Christmas break. I smoothed a hand over my hair, it was combed and arranged just the way Gabriel liked it but who was I kidding?

If he didn't like it, he'd re-do it. Before homeroom even.

"Stop it, Peanut."

I whirled around at the words, my hand fluttering at the base of my throat. "Oh... Honey, you scared me." I giggled nervously, my eyes meeting and then flitting away from Nathan's steady gaze. "Wha... what are you doing here?"

He gave me a faint smile. "Missed my roommate." He said. "And Marie's come out already but not you so I thought I'd check on you."

I nodded slightly. "I... thanks." I said. "And stop what?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Stop being critical of yourself in the mirror. I swear it's being in this house again." He said. "It lies. You're seeing flaws that aren't there. It's not who you are."

Mirror mirror, mirror on the wall

Tellin' those lies, pointing out your flaws

That isn't who you are

That isn't who you are

I sighed softly. "You're right." I admitted. "It's being back here." I shrugged before meeting his eyes.

His eyes softened. "I know." He said. "But you are so much more than this now."

I shrugged slightly again. "I..." I sighed heavily and sat down on the edge of my bed. "I just wish things were different. I finished camp elated that we were going to be together and now I'm here again. Feeling oppressed and lost in who I am. Who I'm supposed to be anymore." I ducked my head, not meeting his gaze again.

Nathan sat next to me and nudged my arm with his. "You're Sang." He said simply. "That's all you ever need to be and the only person we want you to be. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Blackbourne once we get to school." He said. He reached for the gray pullover that was on my pillow and held it out to me.


"Wear this one."

"It's too big." I shook my head.

"But it'll make you happier than the one you're wearing." Nathan said simply before reaching over and tugging the mauve pullover off of me before forcing me into it. He set about unbuttoning my cuffs and rolling my shirt sleeves up over the sweater.

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