Songs for Sang: A miniseries in 11 parts ~Part 4~

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Sang eyed the apartment building that they pulled up to. "You're sure your friend wants to go to the mall?"

Victor laughed. "He's a guy, of course he doesn't but we have some necessary errands at the mall so he'll be fine."

Kota nodded. "That's right. It'll be okay, Sang."

She stayed silent and shrugged slightly. She still wasn't quite sure how she'd managed to be cajoled into accompanying them on this shopping trip. She smoothed her hands down her legs. It's not like she had any money to shop with, let alone any way to keep her clothes if she could get them. She'd just never been to the mall with friends before.

She stilled for a moment. They were, friends, right? Kota had said as much before they shared hot cocoa last night. But she wasn't sure yet about Victor and this new friend.

"C'mon, don't be shy." Victor said, opening the car door for her. He snagged her hand as she got out of the car and escorted her over the rough sidewalk until she was sandwiched between him and Kota as they went up the stairs. "Stand right there." He positioned her in front of the door before knocking and moving himself and Kota off to the side, out of view.

The door opened and she almost squeaked in surprise, staring up at the tall boy who answered the door. His gaze went right over her head before it dropped and he met her eyes. Silas blinked, his greeting lost in his throat as he stared at the petite blonde in front of him. Unbidden, words flowed out of his mouth as a song. "Gonna love you, boy, you are so fine, Angel of mine..." He blinked and narrowed his gaze before slapping a hand over his mouth.

"Figures." Sang muttered. "Yet another serenade."

"Are you lost?" Silas asked, his gaze sweeping her slight form. "I'm waiting for my friends so I don't have time to entertain you, unfortunately."

She gave him a dark look. "You mean these guys?" She jerked a thumb off to the side, forcing Kota and Victor to shift and smile at him.

Silas shot them a dark look. "Hey."

"Ready?" Kota asked.

"Let's go." Silas stepped out and shut the door, locking it as they headed back to Victor's car. "So..." He eyed Sang. "Another serenade?"

"I think I'm stuck in a Disney film time vortex." She complained.

The boys stopped walking and stared at her. "I'm sorry, what?" Silas asked.

She evaluated him, finding that she had to look a very long way up to meet his gaze. She wondered over the accent she heard in his voice for a moment. "Yeah, you know... everyone bursting into song randomly?" she shrugged and kept walking.

Silas waited until she'd gotten a few steps away. "You guys sang to her too?" They nodded. "Has anyone else?"

"No, she's not met anyone else but the three of us yet." Kota said.

"Did you tell Mr. Blackbourne yet?"

Victor shook his head. "We wanted to rule out random coincidence caused by subliminal message." Silas blinked at him before he followed Sang. "Three for three means we have to tell him." He finally said as he and Kota joined Silas.

"Ah, making sure it wasn't a fluke."

"Exactly." Kota said as they reached Sang and the car. "And pardon my manners, Sang Sorenson, meet Silas Korba."

"Nice to meet you." Sang said, extending her hand.

"The pleasure's all mine, Aggele Mou." Silas took her hand before kissing the back of it.

Her cheeks turned pink as she pulled her hand away from his. "Okay." She mumbled, dropping her gaze and practically diving into the backseat when the car doors were unlocked.

Victor and Kota gave him a look but Silas merely smirked at them and got into the car.

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