Songs for Sang: A miniseries in 11 parts ~Part 11~

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Sang smiled, looking around at the guys as they sat on the patio at Nathan's house.

School was finally out and they'd finished out the assignment at Ashley Waters. If you'd asked her at the beginning of the school year what she hoped to gain out of the year, she certainly would not have said nine boyfriends.

She also wouldn't have said anything that she'd learned about herself or about the depravity of people in this world.

The year had been quite the eye opening experience and once she'd joined the Academy as a full member in January, been allowed to test out of all classes so that she could become Owen's administrative assistant... well, she was pretty sure being the assistant to a 20 year old principal was an experience that she'd never forget.

The levels of corruption at Ashley Waters had meant that even though everything had mostly wrapped up, they still couldn't abandon the people at Ashley Waters and the Academy had turned things around, finding and employing decent, honorable staff and administrators so that those who still attended the school would be assured they would receive a quality education.

But here they were.

Sang and her nine, truly lovely boyfriends.

She'd spent the entire school year, wondering how she could possibly tell them how she felt about them and manage to use their bouts of serenading at their first meetings to bring humor to lighten the serious feelings that she was certain they all shared.

It had finally dawned on her last week and she'd instituted a closed door policy for several nights in a row, citing "female issues" to ensure that she was alone and able to make all of her props.

She cleared her throat and smiled. "I was wondering if I could have a moment of everyone's time..." She stood up, clasping her hands behind her back as she met each of their gazes for a moment.

"Of course, Miss Sorenson."

She quirked an eyebrow at Owen. "I'll get you for that one later." She teased, pointing at him. "And maybe if you don't mind all sitting a bit more together? I need to face all of you and it'll be easiest if you're all ..." she motioned. "Over here."

"Anything for you, Princess." Victor said as he got up, gathering his lawn chair, as several of the others were, and moving over to take a spot in the area she'd motioned towards.

She waited until they were all seated before positioning a phone dock and speaker on the table in front of them and gathering an alarming amount of poster board from under her chair and moving over to stand by the table. "Just another moment." Sang flashed them all a nervous smile before pulling up a song and putting it on repeat as it started to play.

The boys perked up, mostly in anticipation as the Pentatonix cover of 'God only Knows' began to play through the speaker. She grabbed her stack of poster boards, holding them up so that they could read what she'd written. She was planning on showing them and discarding them in time to the music much like a scene in a movie.

She showed them all the first sign, a small smile on her face as she waited for them all to finish reading it before she moved on.

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