Four days.
It's been four days since we found Havens Peak which was a huge underground society.
Four days since Max was reunited with his Uncle and it's been four days since I found out that the girl of my dreams was also my enemy. The news was heartbreaking. What hurt the most wasn't the fact that she was a dweller.. It was the fact that she lied to me and made me think that she actually cared.
When we arrived at Havens Peak Lauren and I were separated. They told us that they needed to make sure that she wasn't a threat to us anymore, but that was four days ago. I'm not one to question authority but something was off. Every time I asked about Lauren or even mention her name the guards completely shut down. They won't even talk about her. Lieutenant Brooke told me not to worry; that testing a dweller could take days before they release her but I wasn't buying it. Something was wrong.Dinah and Max sat at the table across from Liam, Max's uncle who had been separated with the small boy long ago. He was a middle aged man in his 30's with dark brown hair. He has been here longer than any of us and if anybody could tell me a little something about this place it was him.
I walked over taking my seat next to Liam at the lunch table. We sat in a big area where lunches were served to thousand of people who lived here."Still no word?" Dinah asked. She noticed how depressed I've been lately with the absence of Lauren.
"Nope. They're still not telling me anything about her. Have you guys heard anything?" I asked
They all shook their heads.
"It's like she disappeared." max whispered.
"Well I wish there was someway we could find out where she was."
"Maybe there is." Liam said raising his eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
"You know Lieutenant Brooke right? Well in her office she has a computer which contains all the information about everybody in this place. It's like a census. And I'm pretty sure they have the whereabouts of Lauren." he whispered.
"How do you know all this?"
"Let's just say I've been here longer than you and people talk."
"Okay so let's just go there and look." Dinah suggested.
"It's not that simple. Apparently she has a password to everything. Her door is even password protected."
"Then how are we suppose to get to the computer?" I whispered.
"You can always just ask." Lieutenant Brooke said making all of us jolt in our seats.
"Lieutenant.. Wh.. What are you.."
"Look. I know what you are trying to do. You're trying to find Lauren. And it's very dangerous to do it by yourselves so I'll help."
We all stared at each other with a confused look. Why would she want to help us?
"It's the only way you're going to find her." she whispered.
"Okay. But why would you want to help us Lieutenant?" I asked
"Let's just say I believe in doing the right thing. And I could tell that you really care for her."
"Thank you so much Lieutenant."
"Call me Ally. Tonight meet me at the front entrance of my office. Knock three times and ill let you in." She whispered.
And that is exactly what we did. Dinah and I met Ally at her office, knocked three times and waited for her to open. We left Max and Liam behind.
Ally pulled up a giant map of the underground society and explained to us the different sectors of where Lauren might be. The place was bigger than I thought and had many different departments that I would have never known about if it wasn't for Ally. She typed in Laurens name and waited for her location to pop up but it never did."Hmm.. That's strange. There's no record of her whereabouts." Ally looked at us with a confused expression on her face.
"Wait what do you mean?."
"It's saying that she doesn't exist. Like she was never here."
"That's insane. We came in this place together before they separated us." I reassured.
"I know.. I was there. But for some reason she's not in Havens Peak... Unless." Ally turned back to her computer and started typing rapidly. When she stopped her eyes widened at her discovery.
"What? What's wrong?" I asked trying to read her expression.
"She on the east side of Havens Peak." she whispered surprisingly.
"Okayyyyy.. Well then let's go see her." Dinah uttered.
"No you don't understand. Nobody goes to the east side. That's where they hold all the dwellers and they run test to see what their weakness is."
"Wait so you mean.." I started.
Ally stood up from her chair and stared at me with a serious expression.
" Lauren is being used as a lab rat."-------
No wonder they haven't been telling me where she is. They've been using her! They've been torturing her just to find out what dwellers weakness is.
Lauren willingly went with them and they're treating her like every other dweller! I was pissed. No I was furious! How could they do something like this. Dinah and I walked back to Max and Liam's room to discuss the situation."We need to come up with a plan to get her back." I said pacing the room back and forth.
"There's got to be some way.""And there is of course. With Lieutenant Brooke's help." Liam smirked.
"What are you talking about?" Dinah asked.
He slowly inched closer to us explaining his brilliant master plan to get Lauren back. I have to admit, having him around made everything a lot easier. That night we concocted a plan to get back Lauren and break out of this place. Havens Peak wasn't bad but I'm not going to sit around here while they torture my girlfriend...
My girlfriend.. Is that what Lauren is to me? After thinking about it for a while I knew that she was the only person I wanted to be with. And as much as I hated her for lying to me, I would risk my life to see her smile again. Tomorrow will be the day I get Lauren back.
It will be the day we break out of Havens Peak.