Chapter 9

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"Baby , wake up." I turned over to look at my moms beautiful face. I wiped my eyes so I could see clear. "Are you woke." I shook my head not trying to run her away with my morning breath. "Guess what!"
"What?" I covered my mouth.
"Your dad is down stairs baby!" I sat up in my bed. "Are you serious, momma?"
She shook her head in excitement. I took all the covers off of me and ran down the stairs. Once I get down I see this handsome man sitting on the couch chit chatting with my step dad. "Dad?!"
He stops his conversation and turns around to look at me. A big smile plastered all over his face, "baby girl?" He opened his arms so I could jump in them. "Daddy." He swung me around while I was in his embrace. He sighed , "it's been so long."
"I know,I know." I said while I signal for him to put me down.
"I missed you." He said while wiping the tears from my eyes. I shook my head in agreement , I could barely speak. "How you been , you wanna go out and get some breakfast , if that's okay with your mom?" We both looked at my mom to get her answer. "Yeah that's fine."
I jumped up and down "yay , let me go put some clothes on."
I gave him one last hug before I left.

I ran up stairs doing my happy dance all they way to my room .
"Woah , woah what's going on." Jamie said while I bumped into him doing my dance. I gave him a hug, I could hear him gasping for air. "My dad is down stairs!"
"Your real dad?" I shook my head yes.
"Dang babe that's good."
"I know , now I have to go get ready for my date with my dad." He laughed "okay , love you."
"Love you too." I said skipping off to my room.
When I got to my room I brushed my hair down, and took the remaining makeup from last night off . I threw on some ripped capris and a red V neck t shirt with my white converse. I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was set nicely. And went to brush my teeth in the bathroom.
I ran back down stairs .
"Okay dad I'm ready."
"See you later baby." I waved at her and my step dad goodbye.

     " I parked across the street." He pointed to his car. Once we made it to the car. We took off . "How you been baby?" He asked
I looked at him. "I've been good , just busy with a school and stuff."
"That's good , any boys in your life , do I gotta rough anybody up?" We laughed.
"No, not right now."
"Okay." He took his eyes off the road while we were stopped at the red light . "You know I missed you right?"
"I missed you too dad."
He grabbed my hand and held it , as we pulled into our favorite spot to go when him and mom were married. "No way dad you remembered?"
"Heck yeah I remembered , how could I forget.We use to tell your mom we were going to get breakfast."
"But instead we went to get ice cream . " we said in unison.
We stepped out of the car. "You think Ms.May still work here?" I asked him as we walked to the door.
"I hope so she was the best." He opened the ice cream shop door and let me in first.
We got greeted by this old lady with her head down trying to position the menus. "Welcome to Mays Ice Cream shop can I he-" she finally raised her head up.
"Kevin and Ki Yah!" She shouted dropping her menus to embrace us both in a hug.
"It's been too long, how y'all doing, y'all know I missed y'all right?"
"We missed you too Ms.May."
"Awe and you getting all grown , Happy late birthday." She said while grabbing my hand. I laughed. "Okay birthday ice cream treat on me." She whispered to us.we nodded our heads as she lead us to a booth.
"Okay imma let you guys look over the menu and I'll be right back."
"Okay." My dad answered.
"What you gonna get dad?"
He clicked his teeth together , "Mmmm , maybe the extreme banana split."
"Ooooh , that was good ." I said raising my eyebrows.
"Imma get the Oreo blast."

     Ms.May came back a few minutes later. "Okay y'all ready to order?"
"Yes ma'am , I want the extreme banana split , no cherry though. And my baby wants the Oreo blast and two cups of water."
"Okay it'll be right up."
A waiter came back with the water in no time.
"So what did jazzy do for your birthday. She still your best friend?"
I sipped some water , "yeah and she just threw a party for me with some friends there."
"What happens to you and Michael?" He asked . How did he know about me and Michael.
"Ummm , we just weren't compatible. But we better as friends."
He shook his head in agreement. "So I got news." He got cut off by the waiter. "An Oreo blast." He said while putting it in front of me. "And an extreme banana split."
"Okay thanks." My dad said.
"What was your news?" as I began to eat my blast . He cleared his mouth before speaking.
"I am - engaged."
I almost choked. "What , you serious?"
He shook his head. "What's her name? Who is she?"
"Her name is Lizzie, we've been engaged for over a year . And we're ready to officially get married."
Wow, my dad , married , again !
He cut my thought off. "Say something?"
"I'm happy for you dad , I'm just shocked. Does mom know?"
"Yeah she knows , I just wanted to tell you."
"Oh okay."
"Yeah but I'm leaving tonight , and in a few more months I should be back down here, so you can meet her."
I nodded my head , "okay, cool."
No it wasn't cool you come down just for one day then leave , when you've missed out for more that 5 years and on top of all that your letting me know your getting married. Great!

** please vote and comment and trying to update regularly I love all feed back. Let me know what you love and hate . I will take it all as constructive criticism 😘😭 love Becca.

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