Chapter 17

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The party was dying down, either everybody was leaving or they were passed out in the house.

My head was killing me from the smoke that filled the house and the aroma off all the liquor. Or maybe it was because I've tried everything that I just listed for the first time, and I will never I mean never try it again. Maybe I'll drink liquor again but never again will I smoke. It just wasn't me, and not my cup of tea.

Me and Mason spent the whole party looking around for Jazzy and her friends but she couldn't be found. And the drunk and highness was get me upset faster than I usually would be. But maybe it's a good thing I can't find her because I wouldn't be able to drive myself home anyway. I would have to leave my car here, which doesn't look like it would be a problem because of how nice the neighborhood was but that beside the point, she said she was going to be here and she's not.
"You wanna go look for jazzy again?"
Mason said as we say on the couch inside the house.
I nodded my head, squinting my eyes because of all the smoke that filled the house. I tried to act civil and down to earth because Mason wasn't drunk at all. He was a little high but not that much unlike my ass. What got into me, I don't know

We looked all over the house. We found naked teenagers doing god knows what. But no Jazzy, and my head was killing me. "Can we just go." I said laying my head on his shoulder.
"How you gonna get home?"
"I don't know , but my head is killing me."
"Alright." He grabbed my hand as we walked out of the house to his car. Either I was really drunk or he was walking way to fast. "Slow down!"
I yelled with my hand on my head.
"I'm not even walking that fast." He laughed.
"Whatever. Are you able to drive?" I asked him.
He laughed, "yes, you surely can't."
I tried to laugh but it hurt to much.

We finally made it to the car, and got in. I hopped down in the seat and grunted. All I want to do is go to sleep. "Imma stop by the store and get some to snack on and we will be on our way." He said while putting his seatbelt on.
I rolled over in my seat trying to get comfortable so I could escape this awful headache. And I was knocked out.

Morning Time...
I grabbed my head in pain , trying to figure out where I was as I opened my eyes.
"Good morning." I saw Mason standing up ironing his clothes.
"Morning." I grunted.
"How did you sleep?" He asked as I sat up on the bed.
"Good." I looked down at what I was wearing and it was a big T shirt , im guessing it was Mason's but how did I get in it.
"Where are my clothes?"
He pointed to the bathroom. "You folded them and put and put them on the back of the toilet."
"Where did you sleep?" I asked him.
He looked at me then pointed at the floor.I stood up to look at the twin size air mattress.
"Such a gentleman." I tried to laugh but it made my head throb.
"Thank you." He said. I got up and walked over to him ironing his clothes. He had a plaid button down pink and green polo shirt with some khaki shorts and some white converse. "Where you going?" I asked.
"Well , first imma give you a Alka seltzer so your head can stop throbbing, then imma take you home so that you can get dressed so that we can go to the carnival."
"Oooh yay." I said.
"But before all that imma give you this toothbrush."
I pushed his arm trying my best to knock him down. "Whatever." I walked in the bathroom because I had to use it. "I put you a toothbrush in the medicine cabinet, it's blue."

I washed my hands when I got through using the bathroom and looked in the medicine cabinet for my toothbrush, it was sitting right next to his. I smiled because I thought that was cute.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and threw on my clothes and shirt that I had on last night just until I got home.
Walking out the bathroom I saw Mason putting in his shoes, getting ready to go. He is just so amazing and fine. He looked in the mirror that was hanging on his room door. dang he had a lot of mirrors.
"How do I look?" He asked fixing his collar looking at me through the mirror.
I walked over to him and stood behind him, and took in a whiff of his cologne. "So good." He turned around, grabbed my waist and leaned in to kiss me. "You did brush your teeth right?" He smiled.
"Oh my god , yes." He finished his quest to my lips and kissed me oh so passionately, and it felt so good.
He released the kiss and searches my eyes. "We got to go." I grunted
"Ugh , okay." He opened the door and walked out.
Once we got downstairs, Mason went into the kitchen to fix alka seltzer mixed with Coke.
"Drink this." He said giving me a cup. I took a sip. "Ewww, gross. I can't." I gave him the cup back. He laughed "you have too, you can bring the cup with you."
He said grabbing my hand as we walked out to the car.

"Dang your house is pretty big too."
"Not as big as yours." We laughed.
"You wanna come in?" I asked.
"Sure." He took his seat belt off and got out the car.

I took my key out my pocket and unlocked the door. "Your parents home."
"Nah , they have date night on Saturday , so they be gone all day."

He walked in looking around. My house wasn't all white but my mom loves red so everything, from the kitchen to the front room to the den had a pinch of red in it. "This is nice."
"Thank you , even though I did none of it."
He chuckled.

We made our way upstairs as he asked about my brother. "He stays with his girlfriend most of the time unless they have a argument then he's back over here."
He nodded his head like he understood.

I opened my room door then flicked the light on. "Welcome."
My room wasn't nothing fancy but grey was my favorite color so i painted my walls grey.
"Dang , do I gotta take my shoes off?" He asked being sarcastic. "No." I laughed.
"This is nice though."
"Thank you , now I did do this."
He nodded his head still looking around. 
"Okay , you make yourself comfortable, imma go take a shower."
"Okay." He threw his self on the bed.
I went to my closet and picked out something to wear.

After a few minutes , I finally made up and outfit. A pair of high waisted cuffed shorts, with a grey haltered crop top and a pair of nude gladiator sandals.

I took a fifteen minute shower and hopped out. That nasty alka seltzer Coke stuff plus a shower made me feel so much better from last night. Since I was wearing shorts I oiled my body with some coconut oil  to keep me moisturized all day. I threw on my clothes and opened the door to let the heat out.
I saw a head peak around the corner.
"You are so silly." I said while flat ironing my hair.
He leaned up against the wall smiling.
"What?" I asked trying not to burn my hair.
"You and these crop tops."
"What about them?" I laughed.
"I bet you don't own a regular shirt, do you?"
"I do." I said laughing.
"Let me try?"
"Try what?" I looked at him through the mirror confused.
"flat iron your hair." He came closer trying to grab the flat iron.
"Umm hell no." I laughed.
"Why not."
"Because , I let my brother flat iron my hair once and he almost burnt it off." I turned around to tell him.
"Well." He said while grabbing my hips. "I'm not your brother."
"Oh , I know."
He kissed my lips, I tasted the Chapstick he must've used that was on my dresser. I smiled just thinking about it. He pressed his tongue forward trying to make an entrance and I let him. This was the first this has ever happened, our other kisses were just long pecks on the lips. But this one was different it was so romantic. "You're so beautiful." He said against my lips.
I smiled as he kissed me over and over again. "And you are so fine."

Interrupting our little make out session in the bathroom I heard Jamie yell up the stairs. "Kay , you home?"
Mason unlocked his lips from mine looking terrified. It was so cute. "That's my brother, you wanna meet him?"
"Umm no."
"C'mon he don't bite." I said grabbing his hand before even hearing his answer.
"I'm up here." I said as his eyes looked up the stairs.
"Who's car is that out-" he locked eyes with Mason. I looked at Mason as he smoothed his hair down as if it was sticking up but he was just nervous.
"And who is this?" Jamie said smiling. He was so messy.
"This is Mason, my - friend." I honestly didn't know what to call him because we weren't dating and I don't kiss my friends like i do Mason.
He walked over to the stairs to half way meet us. "Wassup bro." He shook Mason's hand with a tight grip. So uncalled for. "Wassup."
"That's your car out there?" He asked.
Mason smiled. "Yeah."
"It's nice, I know that's how you got my sister."
He laughed. "You don't know how much a car freak she is."
"Okay that's enough. What you doing hear?"
"Nothing , came to check on mom and dad, but I didn't remember until I was down the street it was their date night." He said throwing a grape in his mouth.
"Where y'all going?"
"Umm to the carnival."
"Okay alright." He pointed to the door, "well imma go and I'll see you later. And it was good seeing you man."
"You too."
We watch him walk out the door. I heard Mason let out a sigh of relief. "That wasn't so hard was it?"
"Yes." I laughed.
"Imma finish my hair then I'll be ready?" He nodded his head as I kissed his cheek.
I looked back at him as he sat on the couch and turned the tv on .

I just want him to be mine already.


Becca ❤️✌🏽️
I hope you guys be enjoying , because I really be trying so let me know what you think please

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