Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The Dementor

The next morning, Tom awoke both Harry and Aang to get them ready for their trip to Kings Cross station. This awakening reminded Aang of his first time going to Kings Cross, when Tom had smiled at him with his usual toothless grin when he woke him up. This brought back some happiness to Aang, because that was when he and Katara were on speaking terms. However, thinking of Katara once again made his heart feel like it had broken again.

As the two began getting ready for the trip, Harry asked "What did Hakoda want to talk to you about?" "Oh, just some Hogwarts stuff" said Aang, not looking at Harry. Harry looked over at him, and said "We both know that's a lie." Aang looked up, and said "Look, the information I gained last night is not as important as what you gained. Are we even going to talk about what Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were talking about?" Harry looked at him, and said "We will talk about it Aang, but I want to tell the others first."

"Tell the others what?" asked a voice, and they turned. Sokka was standing in the doorway, looking confused. "You haven't discovered another powerful object, or a secret chamber containing another big monster again, right?" Sokka asked. "No" said Harry. Sokka looked unconvinced, so Harry said "Look, just sit with us on the train. We'll tell you then." "Okay" said Sokka. "But, this better not lead to us almost dying at some point this year. I've faced enough of that. Anyway, I came in for two reasons: one, I'm hungry, and two, Aang, Katara wants to talk." Aang widened his eyes and dropped his mouth. "Really!?" Sokka nodded, and said "I think now is the best opportunity to do what we talked about yesterday." Aang nodded, and immediately walked out.

Harry smirked a little, as Sokka said "What is it?" Harry looked up, and said "I'm just hoping everything goes okay between those two." Sokka smiled and said "I think it will. Anyay, I'm gonna go get some food." And as he left, Ron entered, fuming. "The sooner we get on the train, the better" he said, sitting down. "At least at Hogwarts I can get away from Percy. He's accused me of spilling tea on his picture of Penelope Clearwater, his girlfriend." Harry looked at him, and said "I've got something to tell you."

As he was about to tell Ron about what he had heard the previous night, there was yelling outside. "I'M JUST TRYING TO TALK TO YOU." "What was that!?" Ron asked, when Toph entered. "That was Zuko exploding." "Why?" asked Ron. "Some drama between him and Mai" she said. "I don't really know. Come on, we have to start leaving now."

As the three began heading down the stairs, Aang was standing down there, waiting. Zuko came in, fuming. "Hey" said Aang, but Zuko just walked right past him. Ty Lee looked worried, so she ran off. "What just happened?" asked a voice from behind Aang. "Zuko looks like he is definitely not ready to meet Koh" said Aang, when he stopped. He felt a rush of warmth go through him from that voice, and there was only one person who could do that to him. Katara stood behind him, not with a smile on her face, but a happy look.

"Katara" Ang said. "Please listen" but she held up a hand. "Aang" she said. "I want us to be friends again, but something's happened." "What?" Aang asked, a sense of worry in his voice. "I got a letter" said Katara. "It was telling me to stay away from you. So, for right now, I can't be anywhere near you." "But, Katara" started Aang, but she silenced him. "We can meet at some point during the year" said Katara. "But, for right now, we can't. I think I know who the traitor is." "Who?" Aang asked. Katara glanced up, and a look of horror spread across her face. Immediately, she stepped away.

"Hey, Aang" said a voice. Aang turned, and saw Bao standing there. "Are you ready for this new year?" "Of course" said Aang, looking around for Katara, but she was gone. "What is it?" Bao asked. "Nothing" said Aang, as Bao's brother, Sanjay, approached. Aang noticed something strange as he gavce a good look at Sanjay. He looked nothing like Bao at all. Come to think of it, he didn't look like Fan. Bao was a very short and skinny boy with messy dark hair, why Sanjay was tall, with muscle, and he had long hair tied in a pony-tail. Both Bao and Fan had similar facial features, but Sanjay was like a completely different person. "Bao, I got a note from mother" Sanjay said. "She's just wishing us good luck for the year." "Write back and tell her Fan and I will make sure you don't get into any trouble." Sanjay rolled his eyes and walked off, as Aang looked puzzled.

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