Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The Spirit World

All of the Gryffindor's were sent back to the Great Hall, followed by very confused Ravenclaw's, Hufflepuff's, and Slytherin's. Suki glanced at Sokka curiously, and he mouthed "Later." She nodded, still very confused at Sokka's lack of information. Zuko saw this interaction, and he caught sight of Katara, who nodded at him. Mai saw this, and an interested smile formed on her face.

"The other teachers and I must conduct a thorough search of the school" said Dumbledore, addressing the students. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall, and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately. Send word with one of the ghosts." He was about to leave the hall, before turning back and saying "Oh, yes, you'll be needing..." He waved his wand, and the tables were pushed against the walls, before sleeping bags appeared on the ground. "Sleep well" said Dumbledore.

Percy began shuffling people into their sleeping bags, as the gaang got bags near each other. "Do you think Black's still in the castle?" "Probably" said Sokka. "There's not many other ways out." "Besides the secret passageways" said Hermione. "Does he really know about them?" asked Sokka. "He went to Hogwarts, too" said Aang. "How did you know that?" Sokka asked, looking over at him. Aang went red, thinking back to his conversation with Lupin. "I just sort of assumed, right" said Aang. "He's from England, so it'd make sense for him to come here."

"We're lucky he picked tonight" said Hermione. "Since we weren't in the tower..." "He's probably lost track of time" said Ron. Aang looked around the Great Hall. People were still whispering to each other, when he caught sight of Fan. For some reason, he felt quite relieved when he saw her. She waved at him, and he waved back.

"Maybe he knows how to Apparate" said Ron, making a suggestion of how he could have gotten into the castle. "Am I the only person that's read Hogwarts: A History?" asked Hermione. "I have" said Aang. "But, I don't remember it much." Hermione rolled her eyes and sauid "The castle's protected by more than walls. There are a lot of enchantments on it. You can't Apparate inside the castle, the dementors see through disguises. He'd have been caught." "Lights out!"

"Aang" Hermione whispered. "What're you going to do about your plan?" Aang looked at them all, and said "I'll do it now." "Are you sure?" asked Ron. "We can't let that whole glowy thing happen again like in the library" said Ron. "You went into the Avatar State?" asked Katara. "No" said Aang. "I went to the spirit world to talk to Roku. I need to go back." "Then, do it" said Harry. "We need answers about the wands." Aang nodded, as Percy said "Everyone, asleep!"

They all lied down, and Aang turned towards Harry. Harry nodded at Aang, as Aang closed his eyes. He took several deep breaths, as he heard movement from the prefects and teachers. "Headmaster?" came a voice. It was Snape. "The third floor has been searched. He's not there." "What about the Astronomy Tower?" asked Dumbledore. "Trelawney's room? The Owlery?" "All searched..." "Very well, Severus. I didn't really expect Black to linger." "Have you any theory as to how he got in, Professor?" asked Snape. "Many Severus, but each are unlikely."

Harry opened his eyes and he saw Snape looking very angry. "You remember the conversation we had, Headmaster, just before the students arrived?" he asked, looking to Dumbledore. "It seems, impossible that Black could have entered without help." "Severus" said Dumbledore. 'I understand your concerns, but I do not believe anyone inside the castle helped Black get in" said Dumbledore. "I must go to the dementors. I said I would inform them when the search was complete." Dumbledore strode from the hall, followed by Snape.

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