Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The Truth And The Patronus

Aang stared into Katara's piercing blue eyes, shock written on his face. "Katara" he said. "What're you talking about?" Katara looked at him, and said "I got a letter that told me I can't be around you or else something bad will happen to my family. I don't know what, but they'll be hurt. I couldn't risk it, so I tried to stay away from you, Aang. Then, I got a letter threatening that the broom you would get for Christmas would be the en of you. That's why I went to McGonagall. I'm trying to save your life."

Katara had tears pouring down her face, as she said "I'm trying to protect you and my family." "Fan sent you those letters?" asked Aang. Katara nodded. "But, if she wanted to kill me, she wouldn't tell you in a letter, Katara." "Maybe she thought you would be mad at me" said Katara.

"I am mad" said Aang. "It can't be Fan that is the traitor, Dobby wouldn't have known her. We didn't know her when Dobby told us." "She must be in league with the Malfoy's" said Katara. "She planned to become friends with you, and Dobby knew." "He said they were among me, Katara" said Aang aggressively. "I understand your concern, but you're wrong." He then looked at the wand and necklace in her hand, and said 'I don't need to explain that to you. You already know." With that, Aang brushed past her and headed up the steps, Katara in tears.

Aang and Harry both knew that Katara and Hermione meant well, but the thought of them having the best broom in the world but not allowed to use it made them very angry with them. It seemed as though all of what Katara and Aang had endured could not overshadow the anger he was feeling at that time. Fan was not a traitor, he knew that for a fact. He didn't know why he objected so heavily to the idea, but he did nonetheless.

This anger he felt stopped Aang from working with Hermione in finding out about the five wands, which is not what Arthur Weasley would have wanted, but Aang didn't care. The anger he felt towards Hermione was just as much anger he felt towards Katara. The two spent more time together over the next few weeks, but soon the school was back, and it was easier to avoid them.

The night before term started, as Aang and Harry awaited Ron, Sokka, and Toph in the common room, Wood approached them. "Had a good Christmas?" he asked, but didn't want an answer. He immediately said "Look, you need those anti-dementor lessons. The next match is coming up, and I need you both prepared." "We know" said Harry. "Lupin said he'd train us at the start of term."

"Ah" said Wood. "In that case, I don't really want lose you as seeker and chaser. Order new brooms yet?" "No" said Harry, looking glum. "What! You need to get a move on. You can't ride that shooting star against Ravenclaw!" "We both got sent Firebolt's for Christmas" said Aang. Wood looked dumbfounded. "Firebolts? As in the plural-more than one? Are you serious?" "Don't get excited" said Harry. "We got them confiscated." "McGonagall thinks they're jinxed" said Aang.

"Why? How could they be jinxed?" "Sirius Black" said Harry. "He's supposed to be after me. McGonagall thinks he sent it." "He couldn't have bought a Firebolt! He's on the run! He can't stroll into a Qidditch shop and buy one! What about Aang? Why's his confiscated?" "Same reason, I suppose" said Aang. "Maybe Black wanted to get rid of one of Harry's friends in case Harry didn't get his." "I'll talk to her" said Wood. "I'll make her see reason...two Firebolt's...I can't believe it...not to be rude, but I'm kind of happy you both fell last match now...Firebolts..."

Classes began the next day. In Care of Magical Creatures, Hagrid had set up a small fire for them to keep warm in the January weather. In Divination, Professor Trelawney was teaching them palmistry, and informed Harry he had the shortest life line she had ever seen. In the Four Nations class, Bumi earth bent a classroom outside, so they didn't have to be out in the cold.

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