Harry Potter Avatar And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

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Welcome to Harry Potter Avatar And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. Before we start, this thing.

Breif Story Synopsis Thing: Aang and the others are going back to Hogwarts, when someopne escapes from Azkaban, the wizard prison, and they learn that he's trying to kill Harry. So, they have to protect Harry from the prisoner, while Aang, Hermione, and Bao try to learn more about the legend of the five wands. Also, Aanglearns about Bao and Fan's family history, which makes him care for them both. Aang also tries to become friends with katara, but she's avoiding him, but he doesnt know why, and when he finds out, he starts to suspect a new traitor. Find out what happens on Harry Potter Avatar and the Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Now, time for Harry Potter Avatar And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

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