Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Marauder's Map

Over the next few days, as Madam Pomfrey was mending the bones in Aang's leg, he received frequent visits from Fan, who just couldn't stay away from him. He didn't mind though; Harry had already left the Hospital Wing, so he enjoyed the company. "I feel so bad about your broom" she would always say. "How will you continue with Quidditch?" "I'll get another one" said Aang. "We'll all figure it out." Fan smiled, but ideas seemed to be going through her head.

Soon, Aang returned to Gryffindor Tower late Sunday afternoon, accompanied by Bao. "I was doing some research while you were in the Hospital Wing" said Bao, trying to make Aang happy. 'I wanted to make it up to you, because of your last trip to Hogsmeade, but I couldn't find anything." "Well, at least you tried" Aang said, though he thought Bao was probably only in the Library for about five minutes.

They entered the common room, and Bao went off to some second years. "Hey Aang" said Sokka, scribbling down on a piece of parchment. "Have you done the werewolf essay yet?" "No" said Aang. 'I figured Lupin would be back soon. He probably won't make us do it." "Oh, really?" asked Sokka, with a sigh. "Then, I'm done with homework." He put his things away, as the portrait hole opened, and Katara entered. "Hey" said Aanmg, smiling over at her. She gave a half smile, said "Hello" and walked over to Hermione.

Aang sighed, as Sokka said "Aang, don't worry about it. Katara was just really worried about you. She would've visited you in the Hospital Wing more often, but Fan was there all the time. They're not very close, as you're aware." "I know" said Aang. "I just want everything to be good between us." "It will, soon" said Sokka. "Don't worry about it. We should probably go down to dinner. I'm starving." "Of course you are" said Toph. "Twinkle-toes, I see you can feel your toes again." Aang smiled, as Toph led the way out of the portrait hole.

The next morning, for the first time since the match, Harry and Aang were both in the bustle of the school moving around to classes. It was surprisingly nice for them to be amongst the other students. They both felt like everything was back to normal. As the gaang headed down to their Four Nations Class, Bumi kept talking about the match. "It was incredible, Aang" he would say, snorting and laughing as usual. "You really know how to have fun, with the whole falling and hitting the post thing. Not as fun as I would have had, but still fun." This made Aang surprisingly happy that Bumi made light of the situation.

They soon headed up to Defense Against the Dark Arts, where Ron said "If Snape's teaching again, I'm skiving off. Check who's in there." Hermione peered her head in, turned back, and said 'It's okay." They entered and saw Lupin sitting at his desk, looking as though he had been ill. Immediately, as they all sat down, they told him all about hoe unfair Snape was to them. "Why should he give us homework?" "We don't know anything about werewolves?" "Two roles of parchment!" "Did you tell him we haven't covered them yet?" Lupin asked calmly. "Yes, but he said we were behind" "He wouldn't listen" "Two rolls of parchment!"

Lupin smiled at hem all, and said "Don't worry everyone. You do not have to do the essay. I will speak to Professor Snape." "Oh no" said Hermione. "I've already finished it!" "Thanks Hermione" said Sokka. "Like I suspected, we didn't have to do it." "You were the one saying we had to get it done" said Hermione annoyed.

As the lesson ended, the class began to leave. "Harry, Aang!" said Lupin, gesturing to them. "I'd like a word." They nodded to the others, before they walked up to Lupin, who was leaning against his desk. "I heard about the match, and I'm sorry about your broomsticks. Is there anyway to repair them?" "No" said Aang. "Mine is split in half." "The tree smashed mine to bits" said Harry, looking at his feet. Lupin sighed, and said "The Whomping Willow was planted the same year I came to Hogwarts. We were forbidden from going near it. No broomstick would stand a chance."

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