Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A Hurt Boy And A Big Mistake

           As the sun started to come up over the horizon, Aang snuck out of Harry’s window and went to the backyard of the Dursley’s house, where he saw Bao yawn, stretch, and then start talking to Fan, who turned red as she saw Aang. Aang waved at her, and she smiled, before looking back at Bao. “So, twinkletoes” said Toph, who was coming out of her earth tent. “Have we gotten anything from Hogwarts yet?” “Yeah, actually” said Aang. “Wait, really” said Bao, as he and Fan ran over. “What was it?” “See for yourself” Aang said, handing them all their individual letter. As Aang gave Fan hers, their hands touched, but Aang quickly pulled away before both smiling and blushing.

            “Well, it doesn’t look like we’re getting ridiculous books from a snobby teacher, which is good” said Zuko. “Speaking of books” said Aang. He jumped to the top of the Dursley’s house and went out of sight. He then reappeared, carrying a suit case. “What is that?” Mai asked. Aang pulled it opened, and they could all see the Monster Books inside. “I assume those are for Care of Magical Creatures” said Zuko. “Yep” said Aang. “And it makes me worried.”

                Suddenly, the back door to the Dursley’s house opened, and Vernon Dursley stood there. “Hey freaks” he said. “Inside. NOW.” Wondering what they possibly could have done, the gaang slowly made it inside. “Living room” Vernon Dursley said, and they immediately went. As they entered, both Toph and Bao sat on the couch, and Vernon Dursley shouted “GET UP. I don’t want you making it filthy.” “Whatever” said Toph. “Now” said Vernon Dursley. “Today, my sister is coming into town. She knows that Harry is here, and she thinks he goes to St. Brutus’s Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys.”

            “Well that’s a lie” said Aang. “Harry is very far from being criminal.” “Shut up” said Vernon Dursley. “Or you’ll wish you hadn’t spoken. Now, she does not know that I have you here, and if she does, she’ll start asking questions, and you cant all go to St. Brutus’s, because some of you are girls. Although, the filthy one can pull off a boy. She’s got the dirty part down.” Toph looked enraged as Bao placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered “Don’t listen to the fatso”, which made Toph smirk, and luckily Vernon Dursley didn’t here.

                “Now” said Vernon Dursley. “For one full week, you will be next door with Mrs. Figg. You cannot contact Harry in anyway, or else.” “You seem to like that term” said Bao. Vernon Dursley made a furious movement, but thought better of himself. “Keep quiet” said Vernon Dursley. “Now, pack your things. I’m bringing you over now.” “Can’t we say bye to Harry first?” asked Aang. “PACK, NOW” Vernon Dursley bellowed.

                    Twenty minutes later, the gaang was crossing the road with Vernon Dursley, and then knocking on the door. Mrs. Figg appeared, wearing a pink dressing gown with white pedals on it, looking tired. “Hello Vernon” she said. “I see they’re here.” “Yes they are” said Vernon Dursley. “See you in a week, sadly.” He then marched back to his home as the others went inside. “Welcome back children” said Mrs. Figg. “Wait a moment. There are two new faces, and where are Katara and Sokka?” Aang’s heart seemed to split even more at the mentioning of Katara’s name, and the others looked right at him. “Uh, I’m Bao, and this is my sister Fan. Katara and Sokka went home for the summer.” “Well, I hope they’re well” said Mrs. Figg. “Make yourselves at home, children.”

                       Aang immediately lied on the couch as he thought about Katara, what she could be up to, if she was okay, if she was thinking about him. Aang knew that Sokka would be helping her through it, and he would be grateful for it, but now that he thought about it, not only would he have to face Katara when they got back, but he would have to face Sokka, and see how disappointed he would be in Aang. He had promised Sokka that he would never hurt Katara, and he had, and now Sokka, his best friend, would be very angry that Aang betrayed his trust.

                        Around mid-day, Bao said “Guys, I think that’s Harry’s aunt.” The group went to the window, Aang very solemnly, and saw a very fat woman with half a dozen chins, and even a small mustache. “I guess that’s what Uncle Vernon looks like as a woman” said Zuko, and they all laughed, and Aang even chuckled a little. “Time for lunch children” said Mrs. Figg, and they all gathered around her dining table to eat, and Aang even sat next to Fan, who didn’t seem to mind, but she still seemed a little odd.

                          Mrs. Figg started reading the news paper, which they recognized as the Daily Prophet, the wizarding newspaper, and sighed. Aang looked over and could see the front page, where a large picture of a man with shadowed eyes, very white skin, and black hair all over the place lied. “Who is that man?” Aang asked. Mrs. Figg looked at the front page and said “That is Sirius Black.” “Who is he?” Bao asked. “He is one of the most insane prisoners of Azkaban, you know, the wizarding prison. He murdered thirteen people with a single curse and was put away because of it.”

                        “Why’s he in the paper?” Fan asked. “He’s broken out of Azkaban” said Mrs. Figg. “What?” Aang asked. “He broke out? I heard that no one could ever break out.” “From who?” Bao asked. “Hermione” said Aang. “It was in a book.” “Well, she’s obviously a smart girl” said Mrs. Figg. “He’s the first person to ever do it, and he’s still at large. No one knows where he is.” The gaang looked at each other, and fright was written on all of their faces.

                           For the entire week, the gaang talked about the case of Sirius Black, or talked about their new year at Hogwarts, but Aang didn’t jump into these conversations. All he could think about was Katara, and when he would see her again. He also thought of Harry, and what could be going on with him at this time.

                            On the other side of Privet Drive, Aunt Marge was once again talking about Harry’s family, and he was trying to think about Broomstick care, but her insults kept penetrating his thoughts. “This Potter” said Aunt Marge, “you never told me what he did?” “He didn’t work” said Uncle Vernon quickly. “Unemployed!”

                          “As I expected” said Aunt Marge. “A no-account, good-for-nothing, lazy scrounger” but Harry said “He was not.” Aunt Marge smirked and said “Proud of your parents, are you? They go and get themselves killed in a car crash (drunk, I expect).” “They didn’t die in a car crash” said Harry. “You nasty little liar” said Aunt Marge. “You insolent, ungrateful little”, but she stopped, as her finger started inflating. In fact, her entire body started inflating into a large balloon. “MARGE!” shouted Uncle Vernon. He went to grab her, but her little dog, Ripper, sank his teeth into Uncle Vernon’s leg. She flew into the air as Harry ran upstairs, grabbed all of his things quickly, and ran back down.

                                 Across the road, Aang was looking out of the living room window and could hear screams. “Guys” he said. Suddenly, Harry ran across the road and knocked on the door.  “Harry, hi” said Aang. “Come on” said Harry. “We’ve got to go.” “What happened?” Bao asked. “I’ll explain later” said Harry. “We better hurry.” Aang took out his wand and made all of their things appear before they ran out of the house and walked down the road, Harry in the lead.

For more on this chapter and info on the next chapter, read Talking Stories episode 1.

Chapter 3 Is Called: The Knight Bus. 

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