Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The Avatar And The Runaway

After the first Defense Against The Dark Arts class, most people thought it was he best class out of all of them. Only Malfoy and his cronies did not like Professor Lupin. However, nobody cared what they though. Professor Lupin was everyone's new favorite teacher, especially Aang's. However, the thought of Lupin being afraid of silvery orb's still made Aang wonder. He thought it was best not to tell Harry Lupin was friends with Sirius Black.

"Who care's what Lupin's afraid of?" said Sokka at dinner one night, before taking a bite of chicken. He made a look of content before saying "It doesn' matt" he swallowed. "It's his business, no one else's." "Yeah, I guess you're right" said Aang, looking down. Sokka looked down at him, and said "Aang, about what happened with the boggart" "I don't want to talk about it. It's done." Aang looked away from Sokka, and looked towards Hermione.

"Have you gotten the chance to go to the Library?" he asked her, hopefully. However, he knew she definitely didn't. She looked exhausted, and he already knew she had too much on her plate. "No, Aang" she said. "I'm so sorry, but the first Hogsmeade trip is coming up. We can go then." She then saw Harry give a saddened look, before she stopped talking.

Aang looked at Harry, and said "Hey, Quidditch is coming up!" "Yeah" said Harry, a small grin on his face. The thought of being back, playing Quidditch made both of the two smile. "Speaking of" said a voice, and they turned. Fred Weasley stood behind them, and said "Oliver wanted me to spread the word. Our first meeting is next Thursday. He's probably going to give one of his drawling 'we're going to win this year' speeches." "Well, we are" said Aang. "This year, we're not playing any games." "Isn't Quidditch a game, though?" asked Toph. "You know what I mean" said Aang. "We're going to get the cup."

"And I can't wait to see you guys do that" said Toph. "Wow, thanks Toph" said Harry. 'I never though I'd hear support from", but he stopped. Toph was looking over at him, waving her hand in front of her face. "And it's gone" said Harry. Fred smiled, and said "I like this girl. After our seventh year, I'm sure she'll be wreaking havoc, right George?" George Weasley turned, smirked, and said "Yeah, she causes enough trouble for two people. I trust her." Toph saluted, and said "I'll make you proud boys."

On the following Thursday, Aang and Harry traveled down towards the Quidditch pitch wearing their robes, before going to the Locker Rooms. Inside the room was the rest of the Quidditch team; Oliver Wood, a burly seventeen-year old, Fred And George, Katie Bell, one of the Chasers, and Angelina Johnson, the other one.

Oliver stood before all of them, giving his 'we're going to win this year' speech. "This is our last chance-my last chance- to win the Quidditch cup. "I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another shot at it. Gryffindor hasn't one for seven years now. Okay, so we've had the worst luck in the world-injuries- then the tournament getting called off last year...But we also know we've got the best-ruddy-team-in-the-school..." He punched his fist into his hand as he said this.

"We've got three superb chasers. One of whom I could not believe was a first year when I met him." "Well, I'm two years older than one Wood" said Aang. "I should be thirteen, now, but I'm fifteen. There's nothing special about me." "Yes, there is, Aang" said Wood. "If I recall, whenever you have had the Quaffle, you've never missed a shot in your career here. That is special, Aang." Aang blushed, as Katie and Angelina patted his back.

Wood turned to Fred and George and said "We've got two unbeatable Beaters." "Stop it, Oliver, you're embarrassing us" said Fred and George together. Wood then turned to Harry. "And we've got a Seeker who has never failed to win us a match!" Harry nodded to Wood, who said "And me." "You're good, too Oliver" said George. "Spanking good Keeper" added Fred. "You've always blocked those nasty shots that might've led to our defeat" said Aang.

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