Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The Quidditch Final

Aang put his hand over his mouth, and looked down. "He-he sent me this" said Hermione, fighting back tears. "He said there was an execution date to be fixed" said Sokka. "It's awful" said Katara, as Toph patted her back. "They can't do this" said Harry. "They can't. Buckbeak isn't dangerous."

"Malfoy's dad must've frightened them into it" said Toph. "I really want to give them a beating right now." "You know what his dad's like" said Hermione. "They're old fools, and they're scared. There'll be an appeal, only I can't see hope."

"Then, let's make hope" said Ron. "You won't do it alone this time. I'll help." "Oh, Ron!" She wrapped her arms around him, and Aang smiled, and so did the others. "I'm really, really sorry about Scabbers" she said. "Oh, well, he was old" said Ron. "And he was a bit useless. Maybe Mum and Dad will get me an owl now."

At their next Care of Magical Creature's lesson, they approached Hagrid, who was in shock from the verdict. "All my fault. Got tounge-tied. They was all sittin' there in black robes an' I kep' droppin' me notes and forgettin all them dates yeh looked up fer mr, Hermione, Aang, Katara. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, they did what he told 'em..." "You still have the appeal!" said Sokka. "Don't give up yet, Hagrid!" "We're working on it!" added Ron.

They began to walk back up to the castle, when they saw Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle laughing devilishly. Hagrid left them there, as he began to cry again. "Look at him blubber!" Malfoy was standing with his friends, looking down to Hagrid. "Have you ever seen anything as pathetic?" asked Malfoy. "And he's supposed to be our teacher!"

Sokka made a move for his boomerang, as Ron and Harry stepped forward, but SMACK! Hermione had slapped Malfoy across the face. He stammered, as she raised her hand again "Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul-evil" "Hermione! Said Ron wearily. "Get off, Ron!" Hermione drew her wand, as the three stepped back. "C'mon" Malfoy muttered, and the three ran off. "Wow, Hermione!" said Toph. "I didn't know you had it in you!" "You'd better beat him in the Quidditch final" she said, addressing Harry and Aang. "I won't stand for Slytherin winning!" "We're supposed to be in Charms" said Katara. "Let's go!"

They hurried off to Charms. "You're late!" said Flitwick, as they all grabbed tables. "Where's Hermione gone?" Ron asked. Hermione had indeed disappeared, though they didn't know where. "Maybe...she went to the bathroom" Aang suggested, as Sokka shrugged.

She didn't turn up all lesson. "She could've used a cheering charm" said Ron, as they all left for lunch. She wasn't in lunch either, and after they finished, the affects of Cheering Charms were wearing off, and they began to get worried.

They went up to the Common Room and clambered in. Hermione was at the table, sleeping, her head on an Arithmancy book. They approached. "Hermione?" Harry poked her, and she raised her head. "Is it time to go? What do we have now?" "Divination, but not for twenty minutes" said Harry. "Hermione, why didn't you come to Charms?" "Oh no!" she squeaked. "I forgot!" "How?" asked Sokka. "You were with us!" "I don't believe it!" she wailed.

"Hermione" said Katara. "I think you're doing way too much." "Yeah" said Aang. "All about this? You don't have to help with the wands anymore...and Hagrid and the appeal...we've got that, right guys..." "No, it's fine!" she said. 'I just made a mistake. I'll go to Flitwick now! I'll see you in Divination!" And she ran out of the Common Room.

Soon, they were outside of the Divination class waiting, when Hermione approached. "I can't believe I missed Cheering Charms! They'll show up in the exams, I know it! And Aang, I just saw Bao! He was crying!" Aang looked at Hermione astonished, and asked "Did he say why?" "No" said Hermione. "He didn't say anything. He saw me and ran off."

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