Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, And Prongs

Birds flew around the air, as Harry's mind went blank with shock. They all stood in horror underneath their invisible defenses, as they all heard from behind them, a wild howl. "Hagrid" Harry said, as he made to turn back, but Ron and Hermione seized him. "We can't" said Ron. "He'll be in worse trouble if they knew we'd seen them." "We should go" came Aang's voice, and the seven of tem began to walk off.

As they set off for the castle, both Hermione and Katara had the same question "How could they?" Aang felt awful as they began to walk back to the castle, when they heard Scabbers the rat screeching. "Keep still" Ron said. Ron halted, but Aang didn't know, and he knocked right into him "What's the matter with you?" Ron asked his rat. "Stay still-OUCH! He bit me!"

"Ron, quiet!" Hermione whispered. "He-won't-stay-put" Ron said. Scabbers was terrified, as Aang looked up at Mo-Mo, who was flying around them, before he flew to the ground. And Aang saw the wide yellow eyes glinting nearby in the darkness-Crookshaks.

"No" Aang said. "Go!" "Crookshanks!" Hermione whispered urgently. "Go away, go away Crookshanks!" However, the cat was drawing nearer, as Sokka said "Make me visible." Aang did so, and Sokka charged forward. He went to tackle the cat, but it slipped forward, as Ron shouted "NO!" Scabbers had slipped from Ron's hand and began running off. Ron darted off, followed by Crookshanks. "No!" Aang said, before they all became visible once again, and ran after them.

"Get away from him-get away-Scabbers, come here" they heard Ron say ahead of them. There was a thud, before Ron said "Gotcha! Get off, you stinking cat." They all skidded to a halt in front of Ron, who just managed to put Scabbers in his pocket. "Ron-come on" said Hermione, panting. "Back under the cloak." Before they could become invisible once again, however, they heard the pounding of gigantic paws. Something was running towards them. Aang turned, and he saw, out of the darkness, the enormous jet-black dog.

Aang sent a slice of air towards the dog, but it jumped through it. It bounced off of Aang's chest and landed on top of Harry and rolled off of him. Harry tried to stand as he readied for its next attack, but the dog knocked him out of the way and fastened its teeth around Ron's arm. It then began to drag Ron off, as the six others chased after them.

Then, out of nowhere, as they drew closer to Ron, what felt like a tree branch knocked them all back. Aang grabbed his wand and muttered "Lumos!" as Harry did the same. Their light shoed that they had indeed been hit by a tree branch, but only then did they realize that it belonged to the Whomping Willow.

It was whipping its vines all over the place. "There" Toph said, pointing at the trunk. At the base of the trunk, the dog was trying to drag Ron into a large gap. Ron was fighting furiously, but his head and torso were already out of sight.

"Ron!" Harry shouted, as he made to run forward, but another branch knocked him back. As they helped him up, all they could see of Ron was one of his legs hooked on a root. However, there was a terrible crack, and Toph said "His leg's broken" and Ron was dragged into the gap.

"We've got to go for help" said Hermione. "No" said Harry. "That thing could eat him; we don't have time." "We won't get in there because of the tree." "You're forgetting, Hermione" said Aang. "We all have some bending ability." He charged forwards, sliced upward, and a tree branch came clean off.

Harry sliced his arm through the air, and air shot forward and took off half of a vine. Toph stomped on the ground, raised her hands into the air, and earth shot upward, knocking two more vines off. Katara pulled water from the air and sliced, and once again another vine fell.

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