Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The Best Summer

"Guys!" Harry and Aang turned to Hermione, who was staring at her watch. "We've got ten minutes to get back down to the hospital wing before Dumbledore locks the door." "Okay" said Aang. "Let's go..." Harry looked out at the sky, but Aang said "He's gone, Harry-we have to go..." Harry nodded.

They slipped through the doorway behind them and down a tight staircase. They soon reached the bottom, where they heard voices. "Only hope Dumbledore's not going to make things difficult" said Snape. "This Kiss will be performed immediately?" "As soon as Macnair returns with the dementors" said Fudge. "The Daily Prophet will want to interview you, Snape. Once young Harry is back in his right mind, I'm sure he'll praise you." They caught the sight of Snape's smirk, and they saw Harry's anger. They waited a few moments, before stepping out.

They walked down another staircase, and then another, before they bounded down a new corridor-until they heard a high cackle. "Peeves!" said Harry, pulling the two into a closet. Peeves seemed to be bouncing along the corridor, as Hermione said "He's horrible." She checked her watch and said "Three minutes!"

They bolted down the corridor, and soon reached it. "There's Dumbledore" said Aang. They crept down the corridor, as Dumbledore closed the door of the Hospital Wing. He turned and faced the three. "Well?" he asked. "We did it!" said Harry. "Sirius has gone on Buckbeak..." Dumbledore beamed at them. "Well done. I think you've just gone as well. I'll lock you in." They slipped into the Hospital Wing, as Aang turned. "Professor, I'd really like a word with you." "I shall meet you in due time, Aang" said Dumbledore. "Then, you may speak with me." He then shut the door, and they heard the lock click.

The three crept back to their own beds, as Madam Pomfrey entered. "Did the headmaster leave?" She seemed to be upset as she handed them all more chocolate, when there was a roar of fury outside. "What was that?" she asked in alarm. "They'll wake everyone up!"

The voices drew nearer, as they could hear what they were saying "He must have Disapparated, Severus!" "HE DIDN'T DISAPPARATE!" Snape roared. "YOU CAN'T APPARATE OR DISAPPARATE INSIDE THIS CASTLE! THIS-HAS-SOMETHING-TO-DO-WITH-POTTER!" The door burst opened, and Dumbledore, Fudge, and Snape came in. "OUT WITH IT, POTTER!" Snape bellowed. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" "Snape, be reasonable" said Fudge. "The door's been locked." "THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE!" Snape howled, pointing at the three. "Calm down" said Fudge. "HE DID IT, I KNOW IT!" cried Snape, when Iroh ran in. "I am so sorry" he said. "I was outside of the room, stepped away. It is my fault."

Snape was fuming, as Dumbledore said "This door has been locked since I left here ten minutes ago. Unless you are suggesting theses three can be in two places at once, I'm afraid I don't see any point in troubling them further." Snape was seething, as he stared at them all, and strode out o the ward. "I'd watch out for him if I were you" Fudge said. "He's just suffered a severe disappointment" said Dumbledore, smiling. "So, as we were discussing, the dementors will leave Hogwarts?" "Yes, the'll go" said Fudge. "Never though they'd try to administer the kiss on two innocent boys. Perhaps we should put dragons at the school entrance..." "Hagrid would like that" said Dumbledore, as they left the ward with Madam Pomfrey.

"Could I ask, what just happened?" Sokka and the others were awake, all fighting back laughter at Snape. Aang smiled, and said "We just saved Sirius Black." "How, twinkle-toes?" Toph asked, curiously. Harry looked over to Hermione, and said "You explain" as he and Aang ate more chocolate.

Soon, the seven of them had exited the Hospital Wing to find all third years had gone to Hogsmeade. None of them felt like going, so they just sat around the Common Room, enjoying their last few days at the Castle. Harry and Aang looked over to the lake, and remembered their Patronus' galloping around it that previous night.

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