Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Boggart In The Wardrobe

Aang widened his eyes in disbelief. How could Guru Pathik be Avatar Ichiro's childhood best friend? Then again, why would Pathik lie to Aang? Aang didn't see any reason the Guru would lie to him, but then again, he couldn't believe there was an Avatar that went bad.

"You don't seem to believe me" said Pathik, patting the head of a bison. "No, it's not that" lied Aang. Pathik chuckled, and said "Just like your friend Toph, I can tell you're lying." Pathik turned and faced Aang, and said "Clearly you know about Ichiro's past, and how he had gained a wand unlike any other. Well, I was there when he received. One Christmas morning in this world, it came to him." "But Pathik, how?"

Pathik looked at Aang solemnly and said "I do not know. All I know is that after that day, he became power hungry, a monster. I had lost my best friend." He looked saddened, as he said "I tried to bring him back to the light, but the influence the wand had on him was to strong. So, when he gathered his followers, I gathered as many people as I could find. They were airbenders and earthbenders, and they took down that group. They imprisoned them in an underground, metal prison, where they would never be able to see the light of day again. They took the wands and hid them somewhere in this world. I don't know whatever happened to them."

Aang looked at Pathik, and withdrew the wand and necklace. Pathik's eyes widened. "Oh no" he said. "Aang, you must get rid of the wand. It is not a good idea to have it around." "Don't worry" said Aang. "I've talked with Professor Dumbledore. As long as I don't use it too much, I will be fine." "Aang, it will consume you like it did my friend" Pathik said pleadingly. "Please, be rid of it, and stop anyone else from using them. Use whatever wand you got from Ollivander's." "I got rid of it" said Aang. "This wand is my only one." Pathik looked frightened, and then said "All right, listen to me. Keep it, but only use it when you absolutely have to. I think without the necklace on, it's safer, but if you must use both, do so. Be careful, Aang."

Pathik went to walk off, but Aang said "Do you know what the extent of its power is?" Pathik turned back, and said "No, but I know what halfway looks like. Ichiro used half of its power to destroy the Eastern Air Temple, in an attempt to kill me." Aang's eyes widened, as Pathik said "I fear the day someone uses its full power. Aang, don't be that person." Pathik then turned and began walking to the castle, leaving Aang frightened.

There was a rustle in the bushes. He turned and drew his wand. He looked towards the trees, and saw the outline of something big and black. "AANG! YOU TOO!" Hagrid was bustling towards the castle with the others, Harry's arm in his hand. Aang turned back to the trees, and the creature was gone. Aang turned back and ran towards the others, and followed them to the castle.

After dinner, they all went to the Common Room, where Aang told them what Pathik had said. "So, what you're saying is" said Ron. "We don't know what exactly that wand can do, but we know it is powerful enough to destroy a temple." Aang nodded, as Hermione said "Aang, this is very frightening. You need to be cautious when using that. As soon as I get the chance, I'm going to the library to research this." "I should go, too" said Aang. "We'll take Bao. He has as much right to be involved as any of us."

As they began heading up to the dormitory, Harry turned to Aang. "Why haven't you told Hermione about the visions?" "That's not important" said Aang, as they sat at their individual beds. "Yes it is" said Harry. "She wants you to not use that necklace, but you wake up in the night and is on you. Aang, we need to do something about this." "We will-we are" Ang said. "Hermione and I will find out what's happening."

"Y'know" said Ron, approaching. "I'm kind of upset with this whole situation." "Why's that?" Harry asked. "Well" said Ron. "I was hoping Aang could use that wand to keep Malfoy in the Hospital Wing forever, so we wouldn't have to see him again. But, I guess that's too risky." Aang and Harry laughed.

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