Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The Floating Head

The entirety of Gryffindor house stayed awake in the Common Room that night. Aang and Ron recounted what they had seen to whomever would ask, and Katara kept on looking at Aang, fear in her eyes. "It could've been you" she said. "Black could've killed you if he'd seen you. You saw him." "I know" said Aang. "But, it's okay. It's over." Sokka had his hand on Aang's shoulder, looking fearful.

The next day, they could see security tightening around the school. Filch was covering up small cracks, Flitwick was bewitching doors, it was madness. Sir Cadogan's portrait was removed and replaced with the returned Fat Lady as well as several trolls hired to guard her. Harry kept noticing that the one-eyed witch statue wasn't blocked. Only they knew about its passage.

"Should we tell someone?" asked Harry to the gaang in the Great Hall. "He can't come through Honeydukes" said Ron. "They'd know there's a break-in." Harry was unsure of what to do, as Aang said "Being the Avatar, I think Ron's right. We'd've heard of a break-in at Honeydukes." Harry nodded.

Ron was becoming an instant celebrity. People kept on asking him to recount his tale from the other night. They were all confused of why Black left without killing Harry, but Harry suggested "He probably knew it'd be hard to get out after you'd woken everyone up."

Neville, meanwhile, lost his right to go to Hogsmeade, got detention, and would not be allowed the password to Gryffindor tower. He would need someone with him in order to get in. It only got worse for him when he received a Howler two days after the break-in from his grandmother. "Run, Neville" said Sokka, and Neville didn't think twice as he ran, with the envelope, out of the hall.

Aang felt very bad for Neville, when Hedwig arrived with a letter. "Harry took it, and they read:

Dear Harry and the others,

How about having tea with me this afternoon 'round six?

I'll come and collect you from the castle.





"He probably wants to hear all about Black!" said Ron. Aang, however, doubted that, as he looked over to Hermione, who was silently sitting with Katara, doing work. Aang walked over, and said "You were right. Hagrid wants to see us." Hermione looked up, and said "I told him not to." "It's for the best, Hermione" said Katara. "Hagrid'll knock some sense into them." Hermione shook her head, and said "I should finish this in the library." She closed her books and struggled off. "How does she do it?" asked Katara, when Aang noticed a paper she left behind. It was very tiny, and it had one word on it: Werewolf. They both looked at each other, confused. "She must've loved Snape's lesson" said Aang. Katara chuckled, but the two were still confused.

At six o'clock, the gaang went to the entrance hall, where they saw Hagrid waiting. "All right, Hagrid!" said Ron. "S'pose you want to hear about Saturday?" "Oh, I heard" said Hagrid, leading them off. "Oh" said Ron, looking slightly put out.

They squeezed into Hagrid's hut and saw Buckbeak sprawled on the ground, as well as a hairy brown suit. "What's that for, Hagrid?" Sokka asked. "The trial" said Hagrid. "It's Friday." Harry felt guilty, because he had not been setting up the defense for Buckbeak. "Aang, Katara, thanks by the way" Hagrid said. "You really did well with me defense." "Why didn't you ask us to help?" asked Ron. "Well" said Aang. "We would've..." "But, we worked with Hermione" said Katara.

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