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School was like an escape from all the dred.but one could never fully escape since there were male wolves everywhere.either to find their mates or to make sure everyone abides the rules and no women escapes.

Looking up I saw a Robin flying swiftly across the sky. How I wished I could be a bird and fly away.away from all my misery.
Class started and I zoned our like I always did.the teacher never paid attention .everyone was too scared to even make a noise.
I enjoyed the silence.it was better then the noise of heads snapping and bodies falling on the ground.

I knew I would be ready to mate since I'd turn 17 soon and I was dreading each passing day. I just didn't know what to expect of him.would he be a gentleman.even with all this blood shed I knew there were kind hearts.
But then there were posseing men who would hurt you if you even looked at another man.

School ended like it always did and we all had to go back to that shit place of a home.i hated that dark and awfully quite place.i would never call that home where you'd be checked and ate in lines. It disgusted me how men came and took away girls like they were rag dolls. I didn't want to end up like that.
The light breeze caressing my skin made me snap back to reality. The bus stopped in front of the house and we all went in.
I knew most of the girls but Ariel was one of my best friends. We'd talk about mates and love and it's like when I was with her the world seemed perfect. I missed her.
She was taken to the hunt where all females go at the age of 17 to find their mates. Mostly those go who don't their mates on the day of their 17th birthday.
Women have to be 17.the male can be of any age.even a 100. Werewolves don't age so it doesn't really make a difference.
Ariel found her mate and I never saw her again.
My other friend Sophia would go to the hunt with me after a week so we were both dreading our existence.
Hope you enjoyed this
I'll update soon
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