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I don't think I can survive another dinner again.
The mark had started to itch and when I touched it it would burn making me more frustrated .
I was currently sitting in the room and was bored to death. I had to spend all day in this room waiting for him to return . I had no life . I'd just wait for him and that's practically all I did.
I was going to tell him today to let me out and let me talk to people before I forget how to speak.

It was morning now and he still hasn't returned . After last nights dinner he had dropped me off in the room and disappeared like he always did leaving me clue less.
When ever I asked him to tell me where he'd go he would just growl .

Opening the door he came in looking annoyed.

"Did you leave the room"

"Is that all you can ask me"i ask annoyed myself.

"Don't test my patience"

"I'm not"

"I asked you something no" he growled making his way towards me.
I didn't answer.
Sitting in front of me he growled again.

"Don't annoy me "

"Maybe I'm adapt to the fine art of annoying you"I gave a sarcastic reply.

"Scarlett don't " he warned.

"What do you expect me to do , sit all day and wait for you to come and kiss me"

"Yes that is what you are to do"

"Well I don't want to, I want some freedom"

"You have freedom"

"Yeah right"

"Maybe I should punish you again because I think you need that"

"All I need is freedom"

"You want freedom from who"he growled using his icy time .

Gathering my courage I said

"Freedom from you"

I knew I had crossed the line.
Standing up his face became devoid of emotion.
Suddenly he grabs my arm making me stand abruptly before dragging me down the hall.
I had expected him to take me to a dungeon or something but instead I was welcomed with the warmth of the  Suns heat.

"Leave" he spoke calmly.

"What "

"You deaf , I said leave"

"But I thought..."

"You want freedom, go have it"

Throwing me in to the grass he shut the door behind .
The grass was slightly wet against my toes and somehow that felt good.
No one was here. The mansion looked lifeless. I should go back but I couldn't.
Instead I stood up and started walking .

Looking around I could see the grass and the tress warmly lit by the sun.i missed the sun. The way it's rays kept me warm. Back at the hostel I never really went out but every now and then I'd sit in the lawn absorbing the Suns heat.
Right now the sun was dipping behind the clouds and those whisky bands of clouds were glowing , moving unnaturally slow .
I kept walking till I reached a stream.the water was gleaming like crystals .
Sitting down I gulped in as much as I could before I moved to sit next to a tree.
He had just kicked me out, his mate. He was heartless. I hate him, I'd hate him every day for the rest of my life. That was a promise I made to myself.
He just expected me to be like a robot , sit in a room all day , wait for him and never complain.
I should probably savor this moment. Because if anyone found me in a forest like this the'd probably rip me apart or do something else that I don't want to think about.
My stomach grumbled reminding me that I don't want to starve to death at least.
There was nothing to eat.
I don't know how long I stayed in that position but when when I opened my eyes it was dark.
Gosh I had fallen asleep. And it was night now. The cool night air caressing my skin sent shivers down my spine.
The Stars did not greet me this time , instead I was met with an abyss of black. The clouds had covered my beautiful friends leaving me more lonely then I already was.
Could my life get any worse
Wind had picked up and I tried to keep my self warm. My teeth were chattering. I wanted to go home , but then I remembered I didn't have one.

In the distant I herd howls and that brought me back to reality. Standing up I went closer to the stream and put some icy water on my face and arms to try and remove my scent. I was probably going to freeze to death but it was better then being ripped apart.
I sat back against the tree hugging my self. Tears began to slide down my face and putting a hand on my mouth I tried to control my hiccups. I didn't want to attract no attention.i closed my eyes and hugged my self harder trying to get a little warm .

All of a sudden I felt strong arms being wrapped around me and I was being lifted up.
Oh no I was caught. This person was going to tear me apart.

"Let me go , let me go please" I cried.


It was him. It was Landon.
My ego took over.

"Where are you taking me"I said through chattering teeth.

"Back" was his one word answer.

"You kicked me out"I said.

"And I hope you learned your lesson"

"Let me go, I'd rather die here then you killing me"

"Scarlett" he growled.

I started to cry. My hormones had joined us too.

"You just got punished for disobeying me" he said.

"I didn't do anything" I said sobbing.

"We'll discuss this later" was his small reply.

Going inside the mansion which seemed empty he took me to his room placing me gently on the bed before going out and returning with food.
Placing the food in front  of me he pulled out a blanket and wrapped it around me.
I tried to avert my eyes from the food and act like I wasn't hungry but my stomach grumbled  giving me away.
Sitting in front of me he tells me to eat and I do .
After I'm done he takes my shirt off and kisses the mark and my jaw, he gently leans in to kiss my mouth but I turn my head and he kisses the side of my head instead.
Letting out a low growl he licks my neck before pulling me against his chest .
I feel warm and closing my eyes I doze off to sleep.


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