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Oooo this is the 30th chapter I can not believe this. I never thought I'd make it this far.

Remember to vote and comment because I like to read your views and opinions and it makes me want to write more .


How could I have been so stupid. Brian warned me and I knew this could happen yet I let it happen.

The moment I hear the howls , I know I'm doomed.
Running in to the kitchen I don't find Aria,my baby.

"ARIA" I scream

No reply

I run in to my room and she's not there.

"ARIA" I yell , I'm going insane where is my baby.

Running in to the lounge I find her sleeping on the floor hugging a teddy.

I quickly pick her up and take her to my room.

I open my dresser and take out a gun and some sharp knives.
I will not let them hunt me. Not this time.

I lock the doors and spray water in my house as well as the entrance so that I erase any possible scent.
Running back inside I lock all doors and pull the curtains close.

My heart is racing and practically out of my chest.

I calm my self and go back to the room pulling Aria close to me.

I pick up my phone and call Brian.

"Oh pick up please"

No response. Maybe he's been taken. what should I do. What can I do.

I peak outing the window and the city is deadly quite. This can't be good.

I can go out but I can't risk taking Aria with me. If someone hurt her I'll never forgive my self. Yet if they found me here I was doomed.
Every option seemed to lead to a dead end.

I hear howls again and getting up I spray water again, near the windows and the doors. God help me please.

Sometime passes and I don't hear anything, Is this a good sigh or a bad one I'm not sure.

Howls mean the city is taken. I can not leave without running in to one of them.

I bite my lips to stop my self from crying. My past won't leave me alone. It's always there and this time it seems determined to find me.


Landon's point of view.

"Assemble " is my simple command as the men stand together with their heads down.

"We shall rise together and take over what is rightfully ours"

The men yell and shout praising my name.

"We shall hunt down these  ignorant beasts "

"But no one shall kill "

"You may catch them and chain them , take them to the dungeons where they shall meet their fate"

"Do not touch women, bring them to the cells and then I shall see what to do"

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