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Waking up in Landon's arms was something I had gotten used to , but today there were no strong arms around me. I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes. The bed was cold and he wasn't here .
Getting out of the bed I showered , brushed and wearing a sweeter and shorts left the room. I knew  he told me not to leave the room but I will.
I reached the kitchen , going through the cabinets and fridge I found some eggs and coffee.
There was no one here, making an omelet I sat on the chair and gobbled it up.

"This is new" I herd someone say.

Turning around I saw a shirtless man making his way towards me.

"What's your name little one"

I instantly had a dislike towards him. Only Landon can give me nicknames.

"Aren't you going to tell me"

"No"I stated simply.

"Feisty little one "

"I'm not little one"I simply stated.

"I can change that if you tell me your name sweetheart"

"Scarlett" I whispered

He sat on the chair next to me and smiled at me.

"You smell familiar"

"Don't smell me"

He let out a laugh which turned in to a smirk.

"Can't help it" he says.

"Look I can't talk to you my mate won't like it"

He narrowed his eyes at me

"Who's your mate"

"I'm not telling, now leave me alone"

"I can smell Landon on you"

I look at him and his smile is gone.

"Who are you"I ask.

"I'm Kevin"

"Kevin who"

His mouth turns in to a small smile.

"I'm Landon's cousin little one "


He just smiles at me

"I never knew he had a mate"he says.

"I should go , he'll be angry if he finds me here."I say getting up from the chair.

"He won't be back till evening so relax"

"No I should go"

I take a step but he grabs my hand making me sit on the chair ,

"That hurt"

He just smirks.

"So are you going to be the legendary Luna "

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