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I hope you like it because I've never written all this before .

I swallow thickly , as if sand has grated my throat.
It was almost night. He still hasn't returned and I was getting frustrated .
What if he had decided to lock himself. No I knew he was doing it to protect me. But I didn't want to hurt himself.

I feel hollow. I want him here.

I look out of the window to find small stars in the sky. Almost night.
The sun has gone but it's left traces  of its existence giving me glimmers of hope.
I hear the door open and he comes in , I take a deep breath to calm my self .
When I look at him I can see his neck and arm veins bulging out and he has a stern look on his face. I can tell he's stressed .
As our eyes embrace each other I can see that his eyes are darker then normal. He's already losing control.

He turns around to leave but I stop him.

"Don't go please"

"I can hurt you"

"But you won't, I know it"

"You don't know that"

I walk towards him and grab his hand.

"I trust you"

He takes a deep breath as if trying to control the inner beast in him.

"Have you eaten"he asks .


"Come on then"

He leans down and scoops me in his arms.
Taking me to the kitchen he takes  out
some pasta and  salad from the fridge.
After heating  it he asks me to eat.

"Won't you eat"I ask him.

"I went on a hunt "

I nod. It's tradition for males to mostly eat what they hunt. They feel pride in it and avoid human food. Women were never allowed out so we adjusted ourselves to human food .

A growl erupts from him and his face is down . His eyes closed but his fangs are visible.
His hands are in fists and I can see his hair is longer .

"Are you okay"

He doesn't reply.

When he looks up his eyes are black. His claws are elongated. His hair has grown till his shoulders and I can see sharp fangs in his mouth.
He isn't completely a wolf so I know  he still has control .
He looks devilishly handsome .
Closing his eyes I know he's trying to get control.
Even though he's practically turned in to hulk I'm not scared. I know he won't hurt me .
In an instant he's up and pulling me out of the chair he slams me in to the wall. I groan in pain.
I can feel his lips on my neck and he kisses the mark . His hands grab my waist pulling me closer. He pulls me up and wraps my legs around his waist.
Taking me up the stairs he smashes his lips on mine and I moan loudly. I grab his neck and try to stable myself.
I moan as he bites my lip and then pressed me against the wall using the chance to squeeze my ass.

I could feel heat pooling between my legs and  I knew he could smell it.

"Are you wet baby" he whispered in my ear pressing me against the wall.

"Nnnooo"I squeaked as I felt his bulge against my stomach.

"Then I'll make you"he whispered.

Saying that he pulled me closer and in an instant were in his room,
He threw me on the bed and I could see desire in his eyes.
His hands made  their way to my stomach and then my waist.
His mouth came on the mark and I feel his teeth sink in to me but instead of pain all I felt was pleasure.
After he was done with licking the mark he moved up to my lips .
I could feel his arms pulling my shirt up and then all the gentle movements vanished when he rips my shirt open.
I gasp at his sudden movements.
He leans down until his chest is Against my breasts .
His hands make their way to my back and he unclasps my bra .
Taking my bra off he kisses between my breasts and I bite my lips to control the gasp that threatens to escape my lips .

His hands make their way to my breasts and he gently squeezes them making me purr.
My nipples are hard and sensitive  dying for his touch. He squeezes my left nipple and takes the other in his mouth.

"Ahhh" I scream at the sensation that erupts through me.

After he's tasted my buds he moves down to my stomach. Kissing and licking it before he takes off my jeans.
He kisses the top of my panties before he comes back up and kisses my mouth and neck .
I can feel his hand slither to my underwear and I can feel him rubbing my entrance .
I try to squeeze my legs together but he pulls them apart in an instant growling at my actions.
Picking me up he places me in the middle of the bed before he takes his hand back to my heat.

"I might be rough baby" he says.

I'm so wet that all I want is him to fill me up.

"Okay" I mummer.

He then rips my panties and spreads my legs open.
Moving down he kisses my core and I melt.


I try to squeeze my legs but he doesn't let me.
I've never felt like this. The sensation feels new but I want it more then anything.
My moans drowned the sound of every thing else .
I feel  a finger glide in to me and I scream  no longer able to bite my lips.
Another finger made its way in to me
and started to pull in and out.
He had all control and I wanted more.

"Ayeee" I scream  as his fingers hit a spot spot and I felt more heat pool between my legs.

After he was done with his fingers he licks my wetness.
Then coming back up he bites on my buds that were sore and I feel a ripple of pain and pleasure .
He still had his shirt on so I pull at his shirt but fail to take it off so he takes it off himself and I trail my fingers on his chest feeling the muscles rip out .

"I'm going to go in now"

I gulp

"I know your a virgin but I may go hard"

Kissing my forehead he takes his pants off  and I can see a huge bulge in his boxers.
Pinning my hands above my head he sucks on my nipples again before taking his boxers off.

And just like that I was no more a virgin.

After he was done he pulls me on top of his chest and kissing my lips tenderly he puts his warm arms around me.
In an instant i snooze off.


Ok so I tried to write it all but I couldn't.
This just isn't my forte .
Sorry I tried .

I hope you like it tho




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