33 (end part one )

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We kiss till I can not breath anymore but he is my oxygen and I breathe him in.

"I love you baby" Landon mummers and his hot breath fans my neck .

"I love you more "

He grins at me before kissing me again and picking me up and pulling me in to his warm embrace.

It has been 2 weeks since I moved back to our home. Memories engulf me , happy ones, sad ones but the little time that I have been here we have made new memories to devour on.

Landon not only took care of me but as spoken gave  Aria all the fatherly love that she missed .

She loved him back and called him daddy which did not surprise him at all.

"Ohh" I moan as a warm finger slips inside of me .

"Moan my name baby"he says kissing me hard .

We make love and kiss like we never have. Landon is perfect , a perfect man, a perfect father and a perfect lover.

"I love you " I whisper after our love making ends.

Our legs are tangled and our hands intervened

" I love you too my sweet"


"Landon " I shout as I hold the pregnant test in my hand. The results right in front of me as I shake with fear.

I hear the distant sound of Landon running and before I know it he had his his arms around my waist and looks at me in alarm.

"You okay baby" he says looking at me in alarm. His voice raspy.

"I....i I ...."

His eyes land on my hands that hold the key to his reaction and I see his eyes go wide and his face loses all forms of expression.

"I didn't know, ....We used protection but I don't know.... Im sorry."

"Don't you fucking say sorry" he picks me up and kisses my mouth firmly pulling me impossibly close.


"Oh baby i am going  to be a dad, lord don't you be sorry " he says hugging me.

"You just have me the biggest gift of my life baby"

I grin at him and he pulls me close.

Picking me up he walks out of the room before landing me on my feet in Arias room

"Doll, baby mommy and daddy have a surprise for you"

A cute little Aria comes out of the plastic snow castle .

Landon picks her up and swirls around.

"Daddwy " she giggles.

"Baby do you know that your going to be a big sister"

"A sisrwer" she gasps

"Yes baby , we are going to have a baby , Santa is bringing a baby for Aria to play with "

"Yay, oh, oh, we can dress the baby up" she giggles.

Looking at my beautiful family I rub my stomach and realize that everything I will ever need is right here, in front of me.


"AHHHH" I shout as I feel the tiny head come out of me.

Landon grabs my hand squeezes  it.

"LANDON, AhhAHhhhhh" I shout , the pain is too much, I'm dying.

"Push baby, just a little more , yes just like that, breathe baby you can do this."

"I can't..." My voice breaks.

"Look at me Scarlett , look at me, good now breathe and push a little darling
it's almost done"

"Ahhh AHHHH" I scream as I feel my walls expand and pain ripple through me.

I hear crying in the distant but I'm too tired to keep my eyes open.

"It's a boy" I hear faintly.

"Sweet heart open your eyes "Landon whispers in my ear and squeezes  my hand.

I open my eyes a little .

We have a boy my sweet, our family is complete baby "

I laugh .

We are complete .


I might write a epilogue if you guys want, God I never thought I'd see this day.
Writing this I fell in love with all my characters and I hope you did too. I know this was not exceptional but it was a first and forgive me for my mistakes.

I will write more though so keep in check, until then good bye my lovelies, :)

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