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I woke up with his arms wrapped around me so tightly I couldn't breathe.i tried to wriggle out of his death grip but it was no use.

"Stop moving kitten"

Kitten ,he just called me that. Did he know my name.

"Yes Scarlett I know your name now stop moving " he growled.

Did he read my mind , lord.

"Can I go"


"I have to use the bathroom"

I was off the bed before I could blink.
This time he watched me pee and it was shit embarrassing .
After I was done he flushed the toilet and took me back to bed.
He pulled me in to his chest again and kept one hand on my ass.

"Why are you being nice to me alpha"

"I'll be nice as long as you obey and behave, and you can call me Landon".

Landon that was hot.I hope he didn't
Mind read me or whatever he did.

"Can you read minds"


"Then how did you know my name"

"You think I wouldn't know my mates name"

"But how , I didn't tell you"

"I have my ways"

I didn't sleep, just kept thinking and staring at his strong arms around me.
Sometimes I would feel his chest vibrate and he would growl if I moved. This was weird. But I felt warm and cozy.

"I'm going out , you are not to leave the room or talk to any male . Food will be provided to you ."he spoke.

I stayed silent.

"Am I clear"


"I need a verbal answer"


"We have some things to discuss when I come back"


"Be a good girl Scarlett"

Saying this he left me once alone between the bare walls.
I should have gotten used to being alone. I always found comfort in that but in a day he had me mourning to be in his arms.
I had showered and dressed and had food but he hadn't returned.
I sat next to the large windows after I pulled the curtains apart .
The sky looked beautiful as well as deadly. It was free and opened up , spreading like your wildest dreams or it could engulf you in its void of darkness.
The night stars were twinkling and dancing in the sky winking at the people . Winking at me.
I don't know how long I sat there staring at the sky , a hand on my cheek broke my chain of thoughts and I quickly moved away.

"Kitten you okay"

His familiar voice calmed me .


"Did you eat "


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