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Chaos. My mind , body everything felt weird. Since we had mated the mark was reacting. The mark needed time and my body needed to adjust to it. Since that time was not given I could feel my body reacting. The mark was swollen and had a dark purple color. There were bruises on my back and shoulders . I had fever .
The mark was burning like hell. He'd kiss the mark and the pain would go away temporarily, returning more fiercely the next time.
Also I had gotten my periods, which was also a sigh of my body reacting as I wasn't suppose to have them this early.

The pack doctor was worried, he said this wasn't normal.
It had been 2 days since we mated and my condition was worsening. Closing my eyes I tried to sleep since that was the only way to escape the pain and my throbbing head .
I felt the bed dip with weight and opening my eyes I was greeted with his blue ones.

"You okay love"


He leans down and kisses the side of my neck gently.

"Are you in pain"


"Don't lie"

"I'm not"

Kissing my lips briefly he said"you know I can sense the pain increasing"

I trace a finger on his chest.

"I'm perfectly fine"

"I'm the reason for your pain, I deserve to be punished"

"Landon" I gasp.

He gets up and leaves. God did he not understand that punishment is not the solution to everything.
I want to go after him but my head is killing me and my legs are numb

I stay in the bed as usual , it's late and he hasn't returned. I'm worried.

When he enters the room I can't stop the gasp that escapes my mouth.
His shirt is cut and I can see blood dripping from it, his hands are bloody as well and the side of his face is slightly swollen.

"Landon" I shriek .

He looks broken, tired.
Gathering the little strength I have a get up .

"Stay in bed"


"Scarlett"he growls

"What did you do to your self, oh my god, what is this Landon"

I stand in front of him and I can see cuts across his chest.

"I deserve it "

"Please stop this, your hurt"

I go and bring the first aid box , taking gentle steps to stop the pain in my head.
I put the box on the table and go to him helping him take his shirt of.
The cuts are even worse up close.
He pulls away from me

"Landon let me help you "

"I'll heal"

I release a frustrated groan.

"Let me"
After cleaning the blood I apply a healing cream on his cuts and bandage them.

"Baby I'm sorry "

"Don't please " I beg

He pulls me close and then putting me on the bed wraps an arm around me.

"I love you baby"

I'm shocked . I want to say it back to him.

"I love you Landon"

"Sleep my love"

And I find peace .

I am sweating like a pig. My body is heated up and my head is going to burst.

"Landon" I moan

In an instant he's next to me.


Picking me up he takes me somewhere that I am unable to see. My eyes are too heavy to open.

"Mike , she heating up " I hear him say.

"Oh my god , bring her in"

I'm placed on the bed and my back hurts to the contact due to the bruises.

"Luna open your eyes please"

"I'm tired" I manage to say.

I can't stand the pain anymore, it's like my body's on fire.

"Do something "I hear Landon shout.

"This shouldn't be happening alpha, I don't know"

"If something happens to her I'll rip your head off"

I don't hear anything else, my mind goes numb.


So I'm going to post the next chapter today as well
What do you think will happen, will Landon lose his mate or will there be another twist.



Love you my kittens.

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