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I drifted my eyes back from the sky to this alien planet. Memories flood in and I can't take it any more.
The hunt was 2 days away and I was burning inside.
What if I found him.what if he was the person that I always wanted to escape from.what if he ....

My thoughts were cut short by the loud banging noise.
"No please stop" I herd a girl scream but couldn't make out who it was.

"I said get the fuck up"I herd someone roar
Pulling up my pajamas I ran downstairs.
There on the floor was a girl crying and a giant of a man hovering over her .
The girls screams were cut short by the man suddenly picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder he vanished.
I looked at the girl next to me , we stare at each other lacking conversation but deep down we all know that this was our fate.
I knew I had to get a dress for the hunt.
Men wanted the women dressed and show themselves only for this hunt.
Grabbing my bag I closed the door of my room ,I was thankful I had one.
Running downstairs I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked appropriate . I told Mrs Ryan I had to go buy a dress and she nodded giving me a stern look and making sure I didn't show too much skin.
Running outside I looked down and let my hair cover my face.
Taking the local bus I reached the market.
I bought a blue summer dress that reached to my knees ,
I also had to buy some bra and panties as mine were way too old.
Suddenly I herd a growl and looked around to find this man looking at me.
"Hello there sugar"he said

I didn't reply

"Why is this pretty thing all alone"he asked
Women were supposed to submit and answer to men.

"I'm buying clothes for the hunt sir"I spoke

"Ahh I see , wear something sexy kitten cuz I'll be there " he smirked

I didn't reply. I ran.

I ran till I couldn't breathe , taking the next bus I went home. Never was I ever going shopping again.
I hated how they did this to us like we were some dolls .i hate men.and never will I ever love one, I vowed.
Waking up to the sun bleeding through my window I know was doomed. Today was the day. The hunt.
I herd loud banging which was to let us know it was time to dress and go greet your fate.
After showering and dressing I wore my blue dress. Looking at myself through the cracked mirror I felt horrible. Why was I ugly.
My black hair was in waves and had no shine. My deep brown eyes looked empty. The only thing I liked about my body were my collar bones.
I had an old eye liner and mascara which I put on and some Chapstick
since I didn't have any lipstick.
I looked okay. Not beautiful but okay.

I herd the siren and ran outside to join the line.
The dry leaves cracked under my feat as I made my way towards the line.
The fresh morning air caressing my skin and the birds chirping gave me hope which vanished as soon as it came.
Sitting in the bus with other girls I saw that some of them were actually happy. Were they crazy.
As we reached the hunting grounds i felt like this was my last time I could breathe in the little freedom I had .

"I'm glad to have you all here" our local alpha spoke.

"As you all know that women will be set free on the grounds and men will come and see if they find their mates"he said

"The men can question women and look at them but will not touch them unless they are mates"

"Now let the hunt begin"

I saw the girls run in all directions in to the vast place while my feet were frozen.
I herd a few growls and looking around I saw some of the girls were already taken by the males.
Looking at this I ran
I ran for my dear life.

It was like I was some sort of prey running from the predator.
I ran till my legs ached.i saw a tree and decided to use it as a shelter.
I don't know how long I stayed there and I had almost fallen asleep when I herd the most ferocious growl.
Instantly I jolted up.
That was no ordinary wolf .
I froze where I was hopping that this wolf would pass but with my luck why would he.
"Get up" someone said.
No it wasn't said to me. I stayed frozen.

"I said get up"

Opening my eyes I saw a man ,his face as hard and cold as ice.

"I won't repeat my self" he warned.

I got up slowly hopping he wouldn't ask me anything.

Name " he barked.

"Ssscarlett" I whispered.

"Come" he ordered .

Noo I didn't want this I didn't want anyone.

I ran.

I had barely taken two steps when his hands were around my waist and before I could comprehend what was happening he threw me over his shoulder.
I was doomed.
Before I could even blink we were in the middle of the hunting lands where most people were.

"Mine" he roared.

No one questioned.

Our alpha bowed before him and he let out a growl before taking me out of the lands.
"Please let me go".I said

He didn't answer ,just kept walking.

"Please I haven't done anything"

Still no reply.

Before I could beg him again I was thrown on the ground.
I cried out in pain as I hit the hard ground.
His eyes were black showing no emotion.

"Get up and get in the car " he said

"Please " i begged.

"Get up " he roared.

His eyes had soo much rage that I got up and sat in the car.
He sat next to me and the person in front drove us away .
Probably to hell .

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