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So I was thinking of doing another point of view so check it out
Do tell me about it

Kevin's p.o.v

She was beautiful. The moment I put my eyes on her I knew she was mine. But then she wasn't.
When I first entered the mansion I did not expect to see an angel sitting in a land of demons.
She was surprised to see me and I to see her.
She was sitting on the chair eating and her face was flushed , her slender fingers gently picking up pieces of the food. The chestnut brown hair lay on her shoulders , some caressing down her back in waves. When she looked up I could see a thin layer of freckles , barely visible dusted across her face.

She had olive skin, slightly tan but I could tell it was natural.

When I walked up to her I could see her muscles tense , she was biting her plum lips as if scared.

As soon as I saw her I smelled another males mark on her, but I wasn't expecting it to be Landon's
Somehow I knew approaching her with questions was wrong , yet I couldn't control.
Her voice was like music under the summer breeze . She barely whispered but being a Lycan I didn't miss it.
After asking her a few questions I wanted more. So I tried to make her eat with me but she was stubborn. Males specially higher ranks do not like stubbornness and disobedience, yet it attracted me more. And I couldn't help but look at her slender , curving waist and the roundness of her hips. Looking at another mated female like this is forbidden but I couldn't keep my eyes away from her. No wonder Landon kept her hidden as she would surely be a temptation to other men.

I was checking the borders , running swiftly across the land as if flying. I was one of the Warriors so strength and speed wasn't anything new. Even though I was on patrol my mind was back at the mansion. I had a mate, yet she was more tempting. I shouldn't be feeling this towards her but something was wrong with me.
I knew I couldn't risk exposing my feelings for her, if Landon would hear the slightest rumor  he'd rip my heart out.

After patrolling I went back to my house and mind linked Jarred telling him my shift was over.

I had seen a slight change  in Landon . He was one cruel person, ripping out hearts without blinking, I was no better but compared to him I was.
I kept thinking about little one. It was like I had already given her that name without knowing.

I couldn't get the thought of her out of my mind, how she bit her lip nervously, the way her tongue glided over her lips when she would eat.
I had seen many beautiful girls, fathers offered me their daughters because of my power yet no one had this effect  on me. It wasn't  that she was very sexy or extremely beautiful , I had seen prettier women but she was something else.

I wanted her.

I wanted her to have my pups and kiss those plum lips. Bite those lips for her. I wanted all of her. I wanted to rip that mark off of her and sink in my fangs.

I would have her.



I keep paving the room, I'm bored and tired off looking out of the window. There's a limit to admiring beauty you know.

I look at the door as if it would magically open to reveal my mate but that isn't happening, he just left again in the morning making me all grumpy.

Maybe I should go downstairs. Or I shouldn't he's as he'd be mad.
Taking the risk I open the door and it's not locked. I put on my slippers and taking silent steps make my way downstairs.
There is a maid in the kitchen so I ask her about Landon but she doesn't know.
Maybe I can read a book or something, there might be a library in this gigantic place. The girl takes me to the library. It's Landon's personal library but I'm sure he won't mind .
It's a Warm room. With 3 big shelves full of books. I look through them to find a lot of history books. He is one boring man. There mostly history books, books about war and some werewolf history and myths.
I take out a werewolf book and sitting on one of the couches open it.
The book is successful in catching my attention. It has a lot of information about werewolf birth, the moon goddess and how lycans became this powerful. Pictures of strong alphas and Luna's that sacrificed themselves for their packs.
I don't know how long I sat there looking at all the history , suddenly I feel fingertips on my cheeks and I jump and lose my balance and before I hit the floor strong arms grab me and pull me up.
Opening my eyes I find Landon's face and my body instantly relaxes.

"Don't scare me like that"

"Sorry baby"

"Where were you " I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Pack business "

"I was worried"

"Relax baby"

He puts me down and I get on my toes and kiss him. A layer of pleasure engulfs me and he grabs my hips and deepens the kiss with his tongue.

His hands go under my shirt and sparks are all over my skin.

"I wanna fuck you hard baby"

"Hmm" I moan.

He punches my ass again before picking me up and putting me on the couch.
He rips my shirt apart before kissing between my breasts and gliding his tongue over my neck.
I gasp as he pulls down my bra and licks my nipple while pulling the other.
He licks and bites my nipples . He keeps switching between my buds and massages them . My nipples are rock hard.

His hands make their way to the button of my shorts and opening the button he slides his hand in , his thumb massaging my clit. I can't hold it anymore.

"Ahhhhhh....ah ....ahhhh"I shout and moan.

His hands make their way to my opening and he glides his fingers over my wetness.

"Your so wet kitten" he whispers in my ear.

"Who are you wet for baby"


"Who are you dripping for "he growls.

"You , only you"I scream as he squeezes my nipple.

"Good, I'll make sure you drip with my cum"

He slides a finger in to my heat, his fingers moving in and out as I shout for more.
He does the things to me that I have never imagined and I welcome all the pleasure with open arms.


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