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I'm standing in a white dress with dead bodies around me.
I'm silent and just staring around
I'm am watching myself.

I jolted upwards when I felt someone shaking me.
I was dreaming.
Looking around I saw a large mansion.

"Move " he said.

I didn't understand.

Suddenly the car door opened and he stood there but instead of gently telling me to come out he grabbed my arm and pulled me out .
Instead of releasing me his grip tighten and he dragged me inside the big mansion.

"Stop, let me go " i begged.

"Please your hurting me " I said.

Instead of letting me go he opened the door to a room and threw me inside before locking me in it.

My arm hurt like hell.
I looked around to see a small room with white walls and cracks in them just in the corner. The walls were bare .The room had a small bed in the middle, a desk in one corner and a mirror in the other.
There was a door next to the desk which was probably the bathroom and other then that ther was me in the room.
This was it .I barely knew him and he had already turned my life upside down while I  could barely leave a mark on him.
I started crying . That was all I could do.
I let the tears flow until I could taste them in my mouth.
I got up and sat on the bed.
I was soo tired.my body was aching.
I let slumber seize me.
I woke up to the grumbling of my stomach
I hadn't eaten anything and I was hungry.i couldn't tell what time it was since the room had no clock or any Windows.
The door opened and walked in a girl with a tray of food.

"The alpha ordered me to give you food"she said

Wait the alpha.

"What alpha"I asked.

She looked at me like I was stupid.

"The Lycan alpha off course "

That's when my heart shattered to a million pieces.
I was in the custody of the Lycan alpha.I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.
I was doomed.
No no it's couldn't be.lycans were known for their strengths and well as possessiveness and I was the mate of their alpha.
My hunger was gone.
I looked at the food ,I couldn't touch it,my hands were numb and I tasted blood in my mouth. My lip was bleeding .
The man who had turned everyone's life in to hell was my mate.
I pushed the tray away and began sobbing.what was I being punished for.why couldn't I have a normal life for once.
I don't know how long I sat there just staring at the bare walls .

It has been almost 3 days I think. And I haven't been out of the room. I was given food in the room and occasionally the Lycan alpha came to check up on me. He never talked , he would just come in and take a look and then slam the door shut.
I was sick of looking at the bare walls. I needed an escape . An escape from all of this.
All I did was imagine all day , sometimes my imagination was brutal and viscous , I would pick out flaws in life and my heart would become heavy. Other times I would envy the humans that didn't know we existed and lived a carefree life .
I had to escape this . All of this
I needed a plan. It wasn't like anyone a needed me anyways. But then the images of women being beaten by their mates would flash and if lose the tiny hope I had.
I have to be confident. I had to do this.
He usually came a
After the girl gave me food. So I had to wait till she came , talk to her , distract her and run.
I had to make sure I left no clue, no scent because of I get caught I would probably be killed by him.
Water hid our scents so that was my clue. I would fill a bottle with water and then spray it on myself when I got out.
I got ready. After what seemed like hours the door opened.
This was my chance.

"Hey"I said to the girl.

She just looked at me.

"Umm I wanted help with the shower" I spoke

"What's wrong with the shower"she said.

"Oh it's not working ,the water gets blocked"I said

"I'll tell the alpha"she said

"No why him"I asked

"He said to tell me if you had a problem"she spoke.

Why don't you take a look , and umm tell me how to use it"I said.

She thought for a minute

"Okay let's see".

As she walked to the bathroom I prepared my self . She went inside and before I backed out on my plan I pushed her inside and locked the door. I felt bad but I had to do this.
The door was open and I ran.
I ran in to the hallway , reaching to its end there was another, after what seemed like hours I found a door, it was the back door, I opened it and ran outside.
Running outside I saw the leaves bristling and the wind caressing my skin. This place was beautiful
I ran and ran deeper in to the forest.
The Suns Rays were kissing the mountain tips , these soft rays brought new warmth in to me. I was finally free.

I ran with a new energy, the feeling of being free . My legs started to ache so I stopped and sprayed water on myself.i didn't have any food so after catching my breath I started running again.

It was starting to get to dark so I knew I had to reach some civilization.
I couldn't run in my wolf form yet . If I was wolf I would have covered more ground.
Suddenly I herd howls. Oh no , I ran faster. I herd them again.
I sprayed water and sat between a tree and a bush. I had to hide.
I herd the sound of leaves being crushed under the weight of something.
Oh I was doomed.
I stopped breathing.

"Come out",I knew that voice and my ears burned.

"I know your there" he said

"I can smell you"

How the hell could he smell me I sprayed water.

"You know I won't repeat myself" he said.
I slowly got up ,my heart racing.
He stood there , in a black shirt and jeans with his grey blue eyes piecing in to my brown ones . His face showed no emotion.
He came closer.

"You think you can escape me"

I didn't answer

" answer me " he growled.

"Nnnooo" I slurred

"Why the hell did you run"he barked.

"I'm sorry"I whispered.

"You know the punishment " he said

"Yes"I spoke

"Well then get ready for it" he said

As soon as his cruel words came out I felt my heart shatter in to a million pieces.

"I'm sorry"I said

He didn't reply . Just grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the forest back to my misery .
Hope you like it
I'll add some romance soon , I didn't want to rush this because I want it be be slow and romantic.
Excuse some of my English as it is not my language.
Vote and comment too so I know you like it.

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