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I was back between the bare walls.i sat huddled in the corner, the thin blanket barely giving me warmth.
He told me I would be punished .
He was heartless .
I don't know when I fell asleep , I felt  someone picking me up and heat radiated from the person. I opened my eyes and saw him.

I shouted "Don't touch me"

He didn't answer

"Let me go"

And he dropped me and I landed flat on my ass.
I cried out in  pain

"As you wish"he spoke.

"Get some sleep and strength because you'll be needing it tomorrow" he said.

I stopped breathing at his words.
His cruel words were his weapon.
I reminded my self to breathe.
I just stayed there on the floor. Looking up we made brief eye contact , his eyes engulfing me .
He was soo beautiful but with a stone heart.
I woke up to the sound of running water.

"Alpha wants you in his office"the girl said

She wasn't the same girl.

"And don't try to run this time "

I nodded
She handed me clothes and I changed and got ready to greet my fate.

Walking  along the slightly familiar hallway and down the hall I reached his office. I stood quietly outside hopping he'd forget me .

"Come inside"


I stood where I was

"Come inside "he growled.

I opened the door and walked in

"Close the door"

He sat there looking handsome as ever .
He slowly got up and came closer to me.
Suddenly he grabbed my wrists and dragged me through  the hallway and downstairs

"Where are you taking me"

He didn't reply

"Tell me"

He growled causing me to shut my mouth at the warning.
He dragged me downstairs and opened the door to the dungeon .
There were ropes and clips and other stuff that I didn't recognize
He was going to torture me.
But this wasn't a public place.
He wasn't going to punish me in front of everyone.
Before I could celebrate he chained me to the wall.
I looked in to his eyes pleading for mercy but all I saw was blackness.
After chaining me he picked up a whip.

"I will whip you 10 times, then you can go"

"Please " I pleaded.

As the first whip hit my tender skin I cried out in pain,
Pain rippled through my body, it stung and burned.
Then it kept coming
I was a tear stained face , rotting layers of dirt ,tangled and fallen in to the darkest and deepest pits.
He finally opened the chains and let me go.
I stumbled forward and he grabbed me before I could fall.
He picked me up and started walking somewhere.
I was too tired to open my eyes.
Closing my eyes I let blackness consume me.
After a long night of darkness the sun brought glimmers of warmth.
How could I see the sun.
There was no window in my room.
This was too cozy and comfortable to be my bed.
Looking around the room was beautiful.
Cream colored walls with patterns on one side . Big glass windows with the curtains slightly parted.the bed was huge and polished a dark chocolate brown. I was lost in the awe of everything.
A knock on the door broke my chain of thoughts.

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