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Dancing waves make their way through my body as I wake up to the soft kisses on my neck.
My body registers him and I don't deny the feeling that invades my  body as he presses his nose against my head and kisses my forehead.
I move and try to put some space between us indicating I'm awake but he wraps an a around my waist pulling me back in to his warm chest .
"Don't leave ..." He says not completing his sentence and his words linger in the air as I process them.

"You didn't have a problem with that before" I reply curtly

He doesn't reply but I hear him take a deep breath and kiss my cheek before resting his head above mine.

"You know something kitten,  what I will tell you now , I would have never admit In a million years. " he pauses before pressing another kiss on my temple .

" when I first saw you , I thought I would never accept you, I thought i could never have such an innocent soul because all I could do was break it and destroy it, when I brought you home I decided I wouldn't have to try because I would break you... But you surprised me , you were strong and put up a fight , you were a mixture of sweet and fiery, you stood up and turned out to be the strongest person I came across despite the way I treated you,
When I decided to use a different method on you by making you feel like I would love you and that was working well until I realized I had fallen for my own tricks. I was in love with you yet I couldn't register it. I thought if I slept with you once I would get tired of you yet I wanted more. I tried to finds ways to keep you away from me but you never let that happen with that feisty attitude."
He laughs and kisses the nape of my neck and I can feel his lips linger there for a second before he starts again.

"I thought no one was capable of loving a pathetic man  like me, people hate me, everyone despises me yet you didn't , you wanted my attention, you gave me a chance no one else did, you saw in me something that I never knew existed. you wanted the real me and my heart couldn't believe it. Yet like the blood thirsty animal that  I am I did what I always do, I blamed you and hurt you and let you go. No amount of apology can change what I did and I know you won't forgive me. But I just want you to know that i love you, I may be a heartless fucking son of a bitch but I love you my sweet baby , and I'm sorry"

With one last kiss on my temple he gets up and leaves the room.
Tears pour out of my eyes as his words settle in me .  A sob escapes my mouth and I cry hugging the pillow and bury my self with in the sheets.


I wake up to the sound of sweet laughter booming though the walls as I register who they belong to.
And not just her laughter I can hear the low chuckles of Landon.
Getting out of bed I make my way to the sitting room where Landon throws Aria in to the air before catching her back and tickling her.

"Momma" Aria screams as she looks in to my direction.

"Hey love" my voice comes out barely a whisper.
Landon puts Aria on the ground and she runs and hugs my knees.

"Maybe you should let your mommy rest, she looks tired." Landon says his eyes locking with Mine

"I'm fine" I manage to say

"Sweet heart why don't you go eat those yummy chocolates in the fridge "
Landon says to Aria.

Aria squeaks and runs out of the room.

There is silence between us.

"I won't hurt her " Landon says breaking the silence.
I look away

"I know you hate me and you have every right to but I need to ask you something baby, and if you don't want it then I won't ever bring it up again."

"What" I question.

"Come here "

My legs start moving as if they have a mind of their own.
Landon pulls me in to his lap and tucks a strand of hair my ear

" I want to protect you baby, I know I couldn't  do it once but this time I'm determined to do it baby, but I won't force you to, I want you to come back to me and I want to live with you . I know I can't change the past and all the shit  that I did but I can try to make a better present and a brighter future"

His words have an enormous impact on my little heart,I hate what he has done but I want him, I want to love him, again.

"You can chooses what ever you want baby I won't stop you nor will I force you"

"If I come back to you... If I decide to give you another chance , I will bring Aria with me, I know she is not your daughter but she is a part of me and I love her" I say locking eyes with him .

"I know my sweet, I will never hurt or keep my self way from you, and she is a part of you, and I love every inch of you which includes her , she may not be mine but she is yours , I won't keep her away from you baby" he says kissing my head.

With his words I realize that he has changed, he regrets and has had his punishment .

I know he may not be perfect but I also know that no matter what escape I find, I will always love him.


I shall  finish this story soon my lovelies.

Thank you

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