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I woke up to find myself on top of Landon's chest . His arms were tightly around me and I couldn't move .
Had we slept like this.
Last nights events flooded my memory and my checks heated up and I also realized that I was practically naked . The underwear barely counts.
"Stop moving baby"
I froze

"Relax I don't bite" he chuckled

The mark , yes he marked me.

"Maybe I do"he joked.
Someone was happy today.

"Can I move , I'm feeling tired like this"

Instantly he put me on my back and got on top of me , not putting the slightest weight on me.
He kisses  my head and puts his on top of mine.



"Can I ask you something"


"Just one question"

"No , you'll ruin my mood"
I shut my mouth. I didn't want him to storm off again like last time.

"Can I wear clothes please"

"No your fine like this"


He growled warning me.

"So can I see the mark"

"You'll be seeing it for eternity kitten"

"Can I see it now"
He groaned in annoyance.
Picking me up he slid an oversized shirt on me before putting me in front of the mirror.
I gasped when I saw the mark, not just the mark there were hickeys on the side of my neck. The mark was slightly red but I could see the mark forming itself already.

"It'll hurt  for a few days , tell me when it does and I'll make it better "

I kept staring in the mirror looking at the mark , he gently brushed his fingers over it and a weird but pleasure able sensation engulfed my body.
The other thing I noticed was the height difference. He was soo tall compared to my 5'5 height.
He was also soo handsome. His brown hair lay tousled on his head, he hadn't shaved which gave him a more mature look then he already had.
His piercing blue eyes never seized to amaze me.
He gently wrapped his arms around me and picked me up taking me back to bed.
"Why don't you stay in bed today and rest"


"I want you to rest because you'll be meeting the pack"

"The pack"I questioned.

"Yes and when you rest we'll discuss   the rules for that "

I frowned. Did he make rules for everything.

"Yes there will be rules for most things and I'll be expecting you to obey them "

"Did you mind read me again"

"I can't read minds , that's practically the only thing I can't do kitty"

"So how did you.."

"Shh now rest I have to go , I'll have someone get you food "

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