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Hello lovelies. Oh my god this is the juicy part. Not that kind of juicy folks keeps your minds clean.
I've been waiting so long for this and I hope you like it.

Votes and comments are needed people.


I can't run , theres no where to hide.

I sit in a dark corner against the dustbins and pull Aria closer to my chest

She's still sleeping which is good but I don't know what I'll explain to her,

I can't run because wolves are in every corner and outrunning them is out of option with Aria in my hands.

I don't know how long I sit there when I hear a howl and then a voice.

"I know your there come out come out"

That voice , I know it.

I gulp and try to stop my racing heart.

"Come out rogue, I won't say it twice"

Maybe if I ask for mercy I might be spared.

I place Aria next to the wall and covering her I get up , I don't want her near that man and if I cover up her scent he might just leave her.

The clouds have gone and pale moon light pours down.

Coming out of the shadows with my eyes form I step in to the light, revealing myself.

I hear a sharp intake of breath but I don't open my eyes.



There only one person that called me that.

Looking up I lock eyes with.... Landon.

Everything that I've hidden. Everything that I've ever felt , everything that I feel now. He and me. The memories. The shattered pieces. My broken heart. Everything comes sprawling put in to my eyes.
The love. The pain. The misery. The longing.

After all this time. After all the time that I've tried to forget my past. Forget out love. Forget our moments. Yet he brings all the memories and moments alive just by looking at me.
He had awakened the memories long forgotten. Now I was yet again being forced to swim in the tides of the past
That I had barely made out of. Maybe if I dive in this this I might not come back.

How could he look a me in the eyes after all he's don't to me. I still remember how my my body jammed with each blow and how pain soaked my skin.

He speaks again.

"Kitty" he whispers softly.

My mouth goes dry and it's like sand has grated my tongue.
I gulp and look at his eyes again which have changed from black to a light shade of blue.

"3 years" he whispers again.

3 years since then. 3 years since we've parted, 3 years since you put me in misery.3 years since I'm done with you.

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