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I woke up to big arms squeezing me so hard i couldn't breathe.

"Kevin let me go"


I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but couldn't.
I smell something sweet.
He slept again.another whore probably.

I pull at his hair and he moves away quickly.


Opening his eyes he looks at me .

"The hell is wrong with you Scarlett"

"You were squeezing me"I say

He frowns before putting his head back on the pillow.
Getting out of the bed I leave trying be to as far from him as possible. I can't help but feel disgusted every time he looks at me.
I look out of the small window to find a dove gray sky and the early sun on the horizon . It's beautiful but I don't feel the beauty like I used to before. His Windows used to be humongous and looking out of them felt like you were watching a movie in the cinema.

Time wasn't healing anything. Memories were embedded in my mind and weren't fading. Every color was as bright as I remembered.

Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and my chest would feel heavy. I'd feel this pain ripple through me and then fade.


Shaking my head I turn around to find a shirtless Kevin.


"You okay "

"Hmm, your breakfast is on the table" I said to avoid any more conversation.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I'm pulled in to his chest.

"Kevin put me down now" I shout angrily.

"You need to let it go"

I stop wriggling . Looking in to his crystal eyes I see what he means.

"Let's sit and talk okay little one"

"I don't want to "

Picking me up bridal style he sits on the couch and puts me on his lap.

"Scarlett please listen okay "

"Okay "

" I know what your going through and I know what you feel.... This feeling won't stop and you'll regret everything"

"What do I do then" I say as silent tears fall"

"You need to let go "

"I don't want to Kevin... I want to cling on it for eternity"

He sighs " I know baby but if you want you can stop this"

"How " I sob.

"Let me have you baby, let me kiss you and touch you and take all the pain away"

"I don't know ..... Kevin"

He smashes his lips on mine and I gasp at the action making him shove his tongue in to my mouth . He tastes like lemons and I moan as he pulls me closer kissing me and tasting my mouth.
I put my hand on his chest and feel the muscles beneath .

"Kevin" I moan as he kisses my neck and jaw and bites my neck again.

He kisses me more pulling me impossibly close .

I pull away due to lack of oxygen and he kisses my lips once before looking me in the eyes.

" I have to go somewhere. I'll be back soon okay little one "

I nod and he kisses my forehead .

Maybe I should let it all go. Maybe i deserve Kevin after all and fate is pushing me to give him a chance.


The moment Kevin entered back in the house I regretted my choice of words.

He grinned at me before jumping on me and planting kisses all over my face.

"Taste... Umm so good."


He cut me off with a kiss.

Picking me up he took me to the room and put me on the bed before sliding on top of me.
He placed kisses all over my stomach and slid a finger in side my panties making me moan.

The night passes in a blur after that. We had sex and the pain in my chest subsided . I let him do what ever he desired .

What I didn't know was that this decision  was something I'd regret all my life .



Another chapter people


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