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I was about 2 months pregnant without a checkup. I have to go to the hospital soon . As the plane was landing I felt dizziness and threw up. Luckily the guy next to me helped and got me a paper bag .
After the flight I sat in the waiting area and took out a file which I had all the numbers and contacts of people who were giving apartments. I tried the first one but no one picked. Then I tried another and after talking to them I realized the apartment was far too expensive so i gave up.

Sitting alone I pulled out a chocolate and tried to control the uneasiness. I was tired and i didn't want to faint.

After eating I pulled out my phone and called another number. I had read in the description that the apartment was owned by an old couple so hopefully they'd be nice.

"Hello" I heard the voice on the other end.

"Umm hi, Is this Mr John"

"No dear this is the wife"

I took a moment to process that.

"Oh yes.. Sorry, umm I wanted to know if you are still renting the apartment"

"Ahh yes dear , can I have your name"


"Well dear we are renting it , why don't you come in the morning and we can discuss this"

No where would I go now they

"Umm no , can we talk now because I need a place to live and I just moved here, umm I really need a place to stay"

"Oh dear , okay why don't you come over , we live in the same building, ground floor , you come and we can discuss this "

"Thank you so much.... I'll be there soon thank you"

"Your welcome dear"

I cut the call before picking up my luggage and heading out.
The night was cold and my back was aching. My feet hurt and I know if I don't improve my diet and rest I'll regret it"

I took a cab and headed towards the apartment. It was late and if I didn't get this then I don't know what I'll do.

Standing in front of the apartments I took the scenery in. The building was slightly old and made of red rocks . I walked in and looked around. Finally my eyes landed on the door and I pressed the bell.

After about a minute the door opened to reveal an old man .


"Hello, Scarlett I believe"

"Yes sir"

"Come on in"

Waking in I saw that the apartment was simply lit by a lamp and was decorated with paintings and expensive China.

"Take a seat, my wife will be with us in a minute"

Sitting down I rub my stomach to stop the same uneasiness.

"Hello dear" said an old women that came running in and hugged me.

No one had ever hugged me like that and it felt good.

"Hello umm"

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