Chapter 18

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It have been 2 days after i last saw neymar , he didn't text or called after his birthday,  i think he is too busy or he was just fooling me that night.
I pushed those thoughts of my mind and made my way to my dance class . Today rafa went to her parents house after they called her yesterday asking her to go their. That was strange they never asked rafa to go home in her class days just if it's an emergency.
I entered my dance class and pushed all these thoughts away and started to do what i most like to
Two hours later:
After i finished my dance class i headed to my apartment and took a long shower and sat at the sofa eating some pasta and watching tv, then i started to remember what my dance teacher Dan said to me , he asked me about the ticket that i won to go to america and learn at the best school of dancing and singing, if i made a choice if I'm going or not. The flight is after three days , and i don't know if i really want to go, this school is the dream of every student in this school cz all the famous singers and dancers are from this school and just some people can get inside it , for me it's a dream coming true , before the competition the only thing that i wanted was to win this ticket but then it changed,  i realized that me going their would mean leaving my parents,my friends,  my school , country, and most of all is leaving him. I just can't leave all of those because of one dream but if i leave i will get famous and everyone will know me and my country will be proud of me , and thats what make everything complicated. Teacher Dan asked me make my choice tomorrow and if I'm not going he will give the ticket for the second place that is Leticia she is a hood girl and she would like to go their also. My eyes was getting heavy so i made my way to the bed it was still 5 am but i will take a nap , that would help me to think of all of this and make my choice tomorrow.
Three hours later:

I got up from my bed i had been asleep 3 hours now it 8 pm , i washedmy face and headed to the living room to see if rafa is back, when i entered i saw rafa sitting at the sofa staring at nothing.
"Oiee" i said , but she didn't answer , i went to her side and sat beside her.
"Rafa are u hearing me" i said she turned around.
"Uh yeah sorry " she said looking at the floor. She wasn't ok.
"Rafa are u okay"i said .
"No u are not, tell what happenedto u" i asked making her look at me and then her eyes started to water.
"Shh don't cry nothing deserves u crying over it" i said and hugged her and she started to sobbing.
"Why are u crying ?is it oscar?if it is i will kill him when i see him " i said clenching my fists.
"N..n-no..i-its n-not os-scar"she said.
"Then why are u crying " i asked and liftedher face to look at me .
"Calm down and tell me what happened ok" i said and she started to calm after 5min we sat in silence and she started to speak.
"Maria u-u remember the blonde girl from thiago's birthday " she asked .
"U meen this Carolina girl" i asked confused , what do this girl have with rafa.
"Exactly,  u remember t-that night that she went with n-neymar and they left the party." She asked. And how can i forget this it was the day that i felt like a train had crashed me.
"Yeah" i almost whispered.
"That night she and neymar spend the night together, both of them was drunk and they s-sex together "she said and i felt as my heart had broken. I knew that they made this but remembering it made it worse.
"Ok"i said and told her to continue.
"But their is something that they both didn't notice and it is that t-they didn't use p-protection and they both came at each other " she said and took a deep breath .no it can't be what I'm thinking it is right?.
"And before two days at neymar's birthday she called him at night a-and told h-him that, t-that she i-is p..p-pregnant " she finished her sentence and started to cry , i was ...shocked but that did explain everything  the phone call that night when she was with , it was her she told him right their that's why he was acting like that ,ignoring her...but t-the feeling was was him saying.. goodbye for her.
"But a-are u sure that t-the the b-baby is h-his" i asked trying to make this a lie.
"Y-yes t-they are s-sure, C-Carolina was a v-virgin and n-neymar took it from her and s-she didn't have s-sex with anyone just h-him, and the t-tests had proven that the b-baby is h-his" she said sobbing.
Neymar will become a father. A father for a girl that he had sex with her while he was drunk. That can't happen no i can't..i like u maria..his words were repeating on my head i couldn't take that any more i headed to my room locked the door and fell on my bed and started to cry till my eyes started to feel heavy i could just  think of one thing and it was to start packing cuz it will be a long flight.

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