Chapter 20

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I'm sitting right now at the sofa with a big bag of chips and a soda beside of me watching tv, i was wearing my pjm (big t-shirt and a short) waiting for my stupid best friend who always is late for everything, jay is coming to sleep at my place it's a normal thing that we always do watch movie,  tell each other what we did all day and speaking about all the problems . I think he is just stuck on the street by his fans attacking him or he is just fighting with his girlfriend. Me and jay are the best friends ever and when i say jay i mean the one and only JUSTIN BIEBER, i still remember the day that we met each other .


I have been here in America for 4days they told me to stay at my hotel room to get enough sleep cz it was a long and tired flight and so i can put all my things at it's, i finished unpacking 2 days ago and yesterday was marc's birthday 19 i called him and wished him happy birthday then i spoke with rafa and she started to cry(as always) .
I decided to go out today to search the place , i went around the school and saw all the classes and everything it was so bigger then our school back at brasil after finishing i went to my apartment and took a shower and headed to the bed tomorrow is my first day at school.
I woke up early washed my face and then put on a tight jeans with a crop top and put on my converse then i let my hair fall naturally to my back , after that i decided to go to the cafeteria so i can get my breakfast. I opened the door of my apartment and saw at the door opposite to mine a blonde guy locking his door he turned around and saw me then he smiled.
"Hi" he said, getting closer to me.
"Hi" i said shyly.
"Then u are my new neighbor "
"Uh yeah" then he lifted his hand in front of me.
"My name is justin, justin bieber" he said showing me his beautiful smile. I was confused at first.
"Um as in justin bieber the famous singer" i asked.
"Yes it's me" he said smiling.
"Um, my name is maria, maria da silva" i said shaking his hand.
"U are Brazilian right"
"Yeah , how did u know?" I asked.
"I can tell by ur perfectly tanned skin and ur last name" he said.i laughed.
"Want to get breakfast together " he asked.
"Of course " i locked my door and we  headed to the cafeteria, w stayed chatting with each other and when we finished we said goodbye cz he had class to attend. I went to the principle office so i can know which class is mine he send a teacher with me to take me to my class , when we reached their he opened the door and i entered.
"Hello students,today we have another student here , her name is maria da silva she came from Brazil ,Sao Paulo"teacher Robert said .
"Um Hi" i said shyly. They all said hi .
"Um maria u can sit beside justin back their" i looked where she was pointing and found that it was justin the guy from earlier.
"Hi " he said when i sat beside him
"Then now u are my neighbor and my partner at class" he said smiling.
"Yeah i think so" i said smiling.
After the classes finished it was 3 am. Me and justin was chatting then he asked me .
"How many y.o u are?" He said.
"Um i think it's 17 now" he looked at me confused .
"What do u mean by u think"he said.
" um i think today i should turn 17" she said.
"You mean today is ur birthday "he asked shocked.
"Yeah" i said laughing.
"And ur not gonna celebrate? "
" i don't think so I'm tired and also i don't have many friends to celebrate with then yeah" i said standing up.
"But u have too" he said whining.i laughed at him.
"Maybe next year now I'm going see u tomorrow,  tchau" i said turning around.
"Goodbye "
5 hours later:
I heard a knock at my door i was watching tv. I got up and went to the door when i opened it their was justin holding a box and a huge bag and two balloons that was shaped as a heart that said "happy birthday".
"What is this "i asked shocked.
"We are going to celebrate " he said and entered my apartment he put the box at the table and wrapped the balloons at the chairs.
"Come on" he said .i went and helped him put the things at the table we put the chips inside a bowl and put the soda at the table then he pulled a bag but i couldn't see what was inside it.
"Now turn around and close ur eyes" he said.
"Uh justin is this necessary " i said whining.
"Yeah it is " then i turned around and closed my eyes .
"Don't turn aroundtill i ask u to"
"Okay" then i heard him opening the box and the bag after he finished .
"Now turn around" i turned around and opened my eyes and saw a small cake that said "happy birthday Merry" and their was two candles at it one with number 1 and the other with number 7 , i was speechless.
"Ohh justin its do beautiful thanks " i said and hugged him .he smiled.
"Now make a wish and blow the candles " he said.i started to laugh at his childish.
"What" he said pouting. I pinched his cheek and closed my eyes after wishing i blowed the candles.
"Now lets cut the cake" he said.
I grabbed the knife and cut the cake then he took from the white cream and put on my cheeks and nose i started to laugh  and put some on his face .
"Wait" i said then i grabbed my phone i unlocked it and went to camera i went to his side.
"Now say cheese " i said.
"Cheese" and i took a selfie of both of us covered with cream. Then i went to instagram and posted it and wrote "celebrating with my new friend " .
After this day me and jay became best friends we never separate,  he had helped me with my singing classes since he was professional and i helped him with his dance class since i was better than him, he stayed with me all the way till i became famous and so well known,  he was always with me on my concerts and if he can't come he would send me a message or call me before i get on the stage to cheer me up and wish me good luck,  and i would always be with him at his concerts cheering for him.
《End of flashback 》

I heard the bell of my front door , i went to my door and pressed the bottom for the front door to open , then i opened my door to see jay's car coming in, when he got out of his car he looked at me and smiled he locked the car and came on my direction.
"Hello merry" he said .
"Hi mr jay" i said crossing my arms and looking at him.
"Okay i know I'm late but u know the fans and u know my gf , i had to give her 100 reason so that i could come here" he said. I smiled and hugged him he also did.
"Okay then if this is it , let's get in and start our night" i said pushing him inside the house.
"Naughty girl " he said smirking.
"Shut up jay" i said and headed to my living room . He sat beside me and began to eat my chips.
"soo, are u going or not?" He said with his mouth full. I rolled my eyes he is so childish.
"Yeah i think I'm going the classico will be next month and marc will be happy seeing me there supporting him and i also need a vacation and barcelona is the perfect place for me know especially in this time of the year its summer and sunny " i said choosing a movie so we can watch it. Yeah I'm going to barcelona in 2 days at first i didn't want to go but i changed my mind , I'm gonna stay their 2 month's.
"And if he is their" jay said looking at me. Yes he means him , had told jay about him and what happened he was angry but i told him to cool down that i had forgotten everything,  and that it wasn't any think serious just a crush that had passed, and thenn it have been 6 years , i had to forget. I never saw neymar personally since i came from brazil , i would see him at tv and at the games and when i go to see marc at barca he always is in Brazil or in some place in vacation.
"I don't care , i forgot about everything and it wouldn't bother me seeing him their" isaid sitting and pressing play so the movie starts.
"But-" jay said but i cut him.
"Shh, i don't want to talk about this any more now let's watch the movie" i said.

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